Setting Up Promise Date Options for a Customer

Page Name

Definition Name


Promise Date Options Page


Define promise date options.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables a collections analyst to enter a promise of payment by the customer and to track and manage that promise within the Conversations component. The Promise Date Options component enables you to configure tolerance levels for a promise to ensure that a promise is kept based on the actual amount paid, the number of items paid or the actual date paid.

On the Promise Date Options page, you indicate the number of days past the promise to pay date that you are willing to wait to take further action for a selected SetID, SetID and customer, or SetID and customer group. Based on this tolerance period, you indicate what percentage of the promised payment amount you are willing to accept. You also select a Broken Promise Action, which has been predefined as a customer action in PeopleSoft Receivables. You predefine these fields on the Promise Date Options page and indicate whether the selected user performing the review of the broken promise can override these fields in the Conversations component. The values you select on this page appear as default values on the Conversations page.

When a collections analyst creates a new conversation on the Conversations page and selects the Promise of Payment check box, the conversation is considered a promise date conversation and the promise status is Open. Once a conversation is marked as a promise of payment conversation, the collections analyst must enter a promise date and the amount that the customer promised to pay in order to save the conversation. When a promise conversation is saved, it cannot be reverted back to a regular conversation.

See Entering and Reviewing Conversations.

Promise Date Dependencies and Evaluation

A single item can be referenced in multiple promises with different promise dates. In this case, the system evaluates whether a promise has been kept or broken using these values:

  • Tolerance Promise Date (TPD) = Conversation Promise Date + Tolerance Days

  • Condition Monitor run date

  • Total Payments = Sum of payments made between the Conversation Promise Date and the Tolerance Promise Date (TPD)

  • Tolerance Promise Amount (TPA) = Conversation Promise Amount + Tolerance Percent

The system evaluates the Tolerance Promise Date (TPD), the Condition Monitor run date, Total Payments, and Tolerance Promise Amount (TPA) as follows:

Is the Condition Monitor run on or after the Tolerance Promise Date (TPD)?

Are the Total Payments greater than or equal to the Tolerance Promise Amount (TPA)?

Then the Promise Status is...









None, because the Condition Monitor must be run on or after the Tolerance Promise Date (TPD).



None, because the Condition Monitor must be run on or after the Tolerance Promise Date (TPD).

Use the Promise Date Options page (PROMISE_DT_OPTIONS) to define promise date options.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Credit/Collections > Promise Date Options

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Promise Date Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Promise Date Options page

To access the Promise Date Options page you can enter SetID only, SetID and Customer ID, or SetID and Customer Group.

Field or Control



Select a SetID on the Add a New Value page.

This is a required field.

Customer ID

  • A customer ID

  • Specify a customer ID and SetID combination. The promise date options you setup will only apply to the specific customer under the SetID.

Customer Group

  • A customer group

  • Specify a customer group and SetID combination. The promise date options you set up only apply to all customers that belong to the customer group under the SetID.

Tolerance Days

Enter the number of days past the promise to pay date that you are willing to wait before taking further action.

This value appears as the default value on the Conversations page.

User Can Override Tolerance Days

Select this check box to enable a user to override the default Tolerance Days value on the Conversations page.

Payment Tolerance

Identifies the percentage you are willing to deduct from the promised payment amount. This value defaults on the Conversations page.

User Can Override Tolerance Percent

Select this check box to enable a user to override the default Payment Tolerance percentage value on the Conversations page.

Broken Promise Action

Select a Broken Promise Action, which has been predefined as a system defined customer action on the Action Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Receivables > Credit/Collections > Action Code > Action Code).

User Can Override Promise Action

Select this check box to enable a user to override the default Broken Promise Action with another action on the Conversations page.