Viewing Alerts in the My Work Grouplet

The Fluid My Work grouplet provides alert links that consolidate a user’s actionable tasks, using the user ID as the Assigned User ID to show only items in their own queue. Alerts are defined in Enterprise Component’s Events & Notifications framework.

The Alerts link group includes these links to transaction areas in small and large form factors:

  • Owner Actions List

  • Worklist

  • Conversations to Review

Alerts Link Text

Fluid Page Name and Definition

Row Counts (in parenthesis)

Alternate Navigation (Classic)

Available Group Actions

Owner Actions List

Owner Actions Lists page (AR_WC_ALERTS_SEL_FL)

Action list items assigned to the user

Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Owner Action List




WorkList page (AR_WLIST_FL)

Workflow worklist tasks assigned to the user

Worklist, Worklist


Conversations to Review

Conversations to Review page (AR_WC_ALERTS_SEL_FL)

Conversations assigned to the user

Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update Conversations, Conversations


Use the Owner Actions Lists page (AR_WC_ALERTS_SEL_FL) to review and act upon the action list items assigned to you.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Alerts > Owner Actions List

(SFF) Select an action in the list to view the Action Detail page.

(LFF) Select the More button associated with an item to show action details on the Action Detail page. Each action in the Action column must be performed individually by drilling into the action from this list.

Field or Control


Actions menu

Select one or more rows in the Owner Actions List and choose from these actions available in the actions menu:

  • Cancel

  • Reassign: Select to access the Reassignment group box, where you can assign the selected item action to a different owner.

    See Working with Actions.

  • Email Notification: Select to access the Email Notification page and email the transaction to interested parties.

Use the WorkList page (AR_WLIST_FL) to review and act upon workflow worklist tasks assigned to you.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Alerts > WorkList

When work is routed to you, it is put in your worklist. To work on an item, you select it from the Worklist and the system presents the appropriate page to begin work.

The worklist shows these items in the grid:

  • New Write Off Requiring My Approval

  • New Action List item Created

  • New Debit/Credit Created

  • New Payment Predictor On-Account Created

(SFF) Select the work item to view the Action Detail page. Select the Mark Worked button to complete a work item.

(LFF) Select the More button associated with a work item to show action details on the Action Detail page. Select the Mark Worked button to complete a work item.

Use the Conversations to Review page (AR_WC_ALERTS_SEL_FL) to review conversations assigned to you and to access the Conversations page.


Receivables WorkCenter > My Work > Alerts > Conversations to Review

The Conversations to Review list shows conversations for active customers with any of these statuses:

  • Review Required

  • Follow-Up Required

  • Supervisor Review Required

  • Promise Date Review

  • Broken Promise Review

The grid also shows existing conversations for inactive customers; in this case, the conversation details are read-only.

(SFF) Select a conversation to view read-only conversation details.

(LFF) Select a conversation to open the Conversations (CONVER_DATA1_SS) page, where you can view and update the conversation.