Writing Off By ChartFields

Page Name

Definition Name


Write-Offs By ChartField Page


Enter ChartField selection criteria to select items to write off by running the Write-Offs By ChartField Application Engine process (AR_WOBYCF).

The Write-Offs By ChartField process searches for items that contain distribution lines with ChartField values that match the selection criteria that you enter on the run control. Run this process to close out a specific ChartField, such as a Fund. If all the distribution lines for an item qualify, the process assigns the entire open amount of the items to a pending group and sets the posting action to Batch Standard. The next time you run the Receivable Update process, the process writes off the items and closes the group. If the qualifying distribution lines for an item make up only a portion of the open amount, the Write-Offs By ChartField process assigns the remaining balance of the items to a maintenance worksheet. You must access the maintenance worksheet and decide how to write off the item.

Use the Write-Offs By ChartField page (AR_WOBYCF_REQ) to enter ChartField selection criteria for selecting items to write off by running the Write-Offs By ChartField process.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Maintenance > Automatic Maintenance > Write-Offs by Chartfield > Write-Offs By ChartField

Select a business unit and customer to process. You can process only one business unit at a time. The system uses the SetID for the business unit to provide prompt values for the customer and the write-off reason.

Field or Control


Write-off Reason

Enter an entry reason that the process assigns to the write-off items that it creates.

Field Name

Select the ChartField values that you want to select in the ChartField value fields.

ChartField Value and ChartField TO Value

Select the range of ChartField values that are in the distribution lines for the items that you want to write off.