Analyzing Contracts Data, Grants Data, and Project Costing Data Using the Contracts Workbench

This section provides an overview of the Contracts Workbench and discusses how to use the Contracts Workbench.

Page Name

Definition Name


Contracts Workbench Page


Analyze PeopleSoft contracts, grants, and projects data.

Customer Contracts > Contracts Workbench

Contracts Workbench has been designed to act as a single location to display consolidated information from Contracts, Grants and Project Costing. This enables the user to view summary information related to Contracts, Grants, and Project Costing in a single page. The Contracts Workbench page assists the user to manage the various processes and conditions related to the Contracts Data, Grants Data, and Project Costing Data.

The data displayed in the Contracts Workbench page is based on the permission list that the user has to access PeopleSoft Contracts, Grants, and Project Costing. For example, if a user only has permission to view Contracts Data and the template that is assigned to their business unit includes Grants and Project Costing records then only the Contract Data section appears in the Contracts Workbench page.

If a user does not have permission to access Project Costing and Project Costing records are selected in the template, then the record, Related Projects (CA_DETAIL_PROJ) is displayed in the Project Costing grid.

Depending on which modules are installed, only that data is visible to the user. If Grants or Project Costing is not installed, then Grants data or Project Costing data is not visible to the user. Only Contracts data is available.