Defining Contract Billing Options

This section discusses how to enter billing options and select a billing address.

Page Name

Definition Name


Billing Options Page


Enter billing option defaults for the contract. These billing options appear by default on the billing plans created for contract lines within this contract. You can override these options at the billing plan level.

Billing Address Page


Review and optionally select the default billing address to be used for a contract.

Use the Billing Options page (CA_HDR_BILLOPT) to enter billing option defaults for the contract.

These billing options appear by default on the billing plans created for contract lines within this contract. You can override these options at the billing plan level.


Select Billing Options in the Go To drop-down list box on any page in the contract component.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Billing Options Page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Billing Options page

PeopleSoft Billing uses a hierarchical system of defaults to determine billing options. The billing plan is the most specific level of this hierarchy and where you specify billing options that are not overridden by defaults at a higher level. If the billing options do not change from one contract to the next for the business, then you can take full advantage of the hierarchical system of defaults that you set up in PeopleSoft Billing without having to further define these values on the contract's billing plans.

The Contracts Billing Options page is a place to enter defaults that are copied to all new billing plans created for the contract. This enables you to avoid having to repeat the same entry of billing option default overrides on multiple billing plans for the same contract.

Many of the values that you define here are defaults that you can override on the Billing Plan - Billing Plan General page. Fields that are left blank at the billing plan level are completed by default from a higher level within the PeopleSoft Billing system of defaults on bills.

Billing Options

Field or Control


Bill To Customer

The default ID for the bill to customer appears by default in the customer field. You can select a different bill to customer ID.

Note: For contracts with a contract classification of Internal, you must select an interunit bill to customer for this field.

Bill To Address

Click to view the address and contact associated with the address sequence number.

Billing Business Unit

Appears by default from the value that you specified for the contract business unit. You can select a different PeopleSoft Billing business unit. Only PeopleSoft Billing business units pointing to the same PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit as the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit appear in the list of valid values.

Bill Type

The ID appears by default from the value that you specified for the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit, and is used by PeopleSoft Billing to categorize the activity being billed. You can override the bill type on the billing plan.

Billing Default Overrides

Field or Control


Payment Method

Indicates the type of payment, including Check, Credit Card, Direct Debit, Draft, and Electronic Fund Transfer.

Payment Terms

Indicates the terms to which the customer should adhere when making a payment of invoices from PeopleSoft Billing.

SubCustomer 1 and SubCustomer 2

Values for these fields appear by default according to the subcustomer information defined for the bill to customer. Subcustomers enable you to record history and aging information for a subset of the business with a customer or for a cross-section of the business across different customers. The values that you select for SubCustomer 1 and SubCustomer 2 cannot be overridden at the billing plan level.

Grants Information

This group box appears only if you have installed PeopleSoft Grants:

Field or Control


Cost Reimbursable

Select if you want cost reimbursable as the method of payment.

Letter of Credit

Select if you want letter of credit as the method of payment.

Letter of Credit ID

Enter a reference number for this contract, if the method of payment is letter of credit. When you click the prompt, only active Letter of Credit IDs will be displayed.

Note: If you do not select Letter of Credit, this field does not appear on the page.

Letter of Credit Description

Displays the LOC description corresponding to the Letter of Credit ID selected.

Letter of Credit Type

Displays the type of LOC corresponding to the Letter of Credit ID selected.

Cost Sharing Detail

Select to enable the system to generate a Cost Sharing Detail report for this contract bill when the bill is printed.

Salary Detail

Select to enable the system to generate a Salary Detail report for this contract bill when the bill is printed.

Contract Line Options

Field or Control


Hold Billing on Unpaid Cost

The value for this field defaults from the Sold to Customer that is selected while creating a contract. The value selected here for this field defaults to the new contract line that is added to the contract. See Understanding the Contracts Billing Process, Updating Hold Billing and Revenue on Unpaid Cost Options.

Hold Revenue on Unpaid Cost

The value for this field defaults from the Contracts - Installation Options page. The value selected here for this field defaults to the new contract line that are added to the contract. If Hold Billing on Unpaid Cost check box is not selected then this field is not applicable. See Understanding Revenue Plan Processing

PVN Generation Level

This group box appears for a government contract only when the Enable Summary Limits option is selected on the Installation Options - Contracts page.

The PVN (public voucher number) generation level is used to assign a voucher number to billing invoices only for government contracts. The PVN generation level is used by PeopleSoft Billing, in conjunction with other bill-by-ID fields to combine similar lines on the invoice and to access prior invoices. The PVN is generated when an invoice is finalized and is stored on the CA_PVN table with the field values specified in the option selected.

When the system generates the PVN, the bill by ID that is selected on the Billing Plan General page must include specific fields to prevent an error during the Contracts Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) process. The required Bill By ID fields vary depending on the PVN generation level selected on the Contract - Billing Options page. This table indicates the required fields on the bill by ID for the three PVN Generation Level options:

Bill By ID fields

Note: Not all Bill By ID fields are listed.

Required Bill By ID fields if PVN generation level is Contract Number

Required Bill By ID fields if PVN generation level is Contract Number / Contract Line

Required Bill By ID fields if PVN generation level is Contract Number / Project

Contract Number




From Date




To Date




PVN Generation Level




Contract Line Number




Project Costing Business Unit




Project ID




Invoice Form ID

See note following this table.




Public Voucher Number

See note following this table.




Note: The Invoice Form ID is required on the bill by ID if you want to override the invoice form specified on the Contracts - Billing Options page with the invoice form specified on the Billing Plan General page.

Note: The Public Voucher is currently not generated in Contracts, so PUBLIC_VOUCHER_NBR field should not be selected in the bill by identifier on a contract. Only PVN_GEN_LVL field can be specified on the bill by identifier on a contract.

See Setting Up Bill By Identifiers for External Sources

See Running the Contracts/Billing Interface Process

Field or Control


PVN Generation Level (public voucher number generation level)

Select an option that determines the PVN generation level. This field can be populated from the PVN Generation Level option on the Business Unit - Defaults page. Selecting an option at the contract header level overrides the option selected for the business unit.

If the PVN Generation Level is not specified, then a PVN is not generated. Values are:

  • Contract Number for contract number.

  • Contract Number/Line for contract number and contract line number.

  • Contract Number/Project ID for contract number and project ID.

Use the Billing Address page (CA_BILLADDR_PNL) to review and optionally select the default billing address to be used for a contract.


Click the Bill To Address link on the Billing Options page.

Field or Control


Bill To Contact

Displays the bill to contact for the selected address sequence number. You can select a different bill to contact.