Processing Billing

This section provides an overview of processing billing and discusses how to run the billing process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process As Incurred Billing Run Page


Run this process to load As-incurred billing information from the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor into PeopleSoft Billing to create bills.

Products that integrate with the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor use the contracts As-incurred billing method.

This section discusses:

  • Contracts Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC)

  • Billing process flow - one-time transactions.

  • Billing process flow - recurring transactions.

  • Billing process flow - on-demand transactions.

Contracts Billing Interface Process

The Contracts Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) processes billing plans created from PeopleSoft CRM and PeopleSoft Lease Administration transactions similar to how it processes normal As-incurred billing plans. However, for the PeopleSoft CRM and PeopleSoft Lease Administration contracts, the Contracts Billing Interface process pulls data from the Contracts Interface tables (INTFC_CA) instead of the PROJ_RESOURCE table. In addition, the Contracts Billing Interface puts rows directly into the CA_BP_XREF table for CRM contracts. All other processing remains similar to As-incurred processing.

Billing Process Flow - One-time Transactions

Here are the billing process steps for one-time transactions:

  1. PeopleSoft CRM integrates with the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor to generate invoices for their transactions. Billing information for rate-based contract lines is sent from PeopleSoft CRM to the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor as transactions

  2. The Contracts Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) selects billing plans with the as incurred billing method that have a status of Ready to Bill and creates bill lines for the Billing Interface tables for the PeopleSoft CRM transactions.

  3. Once the Contracts Billing Interface process has staged the billing data in these tables, the Billing Interface processes the data to create bills.

  4. When a transaction is selected for billing, the data from this and the data from the billing plan combine to create the basis for a bill line.

  5. PeopleSoft Billing then groups bill lines based on the Billing Options specified in the billing plan and generates invoices for the transactions. Upon finalization, PeopleSoft Billing sends the invoice information back to the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor.

Note: One-time transactions are applicable to PeopleSoft Field Service, Support, and Order Capture.

Billing Process Flow - Recurring Transactions

Here are the billing process steps for recurring transactions:

  1. PeopleSoft CRM completes the pricing and creates transactions based on schedules so that the appropriate transactions are created and sent to the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor.

    This enables the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor to know how to create the appropriate billing lines needed for the transaction. PeopleSoft CRM sends one transaction and the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor breaks the transaction into multiple billing lines based on the start date, end date, and schedule.

  2. The start date, end date, schedule, and amount are required for billing and revenue to be processed correctly.

  3. Based on what is specified in the transactions, the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor manages the sending of this data to PeopleSoft Billing to ensure that the transactions are invoiced and recognized at the appropriate times.

Note: Recurring transactions are applicable to PeopleSoft Field Service, Support, and Order Capture.

Billing Process Flow - On-Demand Transactions

The four major steps in the integration process between either PeopleSoft CRM or PeopleSoft Lease Administration and PeopleSoft Contracts for on-demand contracts include:

  1. Creating a contract.

  2. Creating a billing plan.

  3. Populating the PeopleSoft Contracts interface tables.

  4. Processing billing.

Creating a contract, creating a billing plan, and populating the interface table are the same steps that occur with recurring transaction processing. For PeopleSoft CRM, these steps use the contract request (CONTRACT_REQUEST), contract response (CONTRACT_RESPONSE), and transaction (CONTRACT_TXN) messages. The last step, processing billing, differs from recurring and one-time transactions, because billing for on-demand contracts takes place immediately through PeopleSoft Billing. With recurring and one-time billing, you have control over the billing plan in PeopleSoft Contracts and you can make changes to the contract before it goes to PeopleSoft Billing for processing.

With on-demand transactions, the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor retrieves the transaction data from PeopleSoft CRM or PeopleSoft Lease Administration and loads the on-demand transaction into the contract staging tables (INTFC_CA).

Loading the contract staging tables triggers the billing process to generate the invoice to run. The transaction populates the contract interface tables, initiates the Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC), and prepares the transaction for billing processing.

Note: On-demand billing is specific to PeopleSoft FieldService, Support, and Lease Administration.

Note: On-demand transactions differ from other one-time transactions, because they are never tied to an agreement and the revenue is managed by PeopleSoft Billing instead of PeopleSoft Contracts. In addition, you cannot access and there is no visibility to on-demand contracts from within the PeopleSoft Contracts application.

Warning! In situations where the application engine fails due to an environment or PeopleTools issue, the system does not send a response indicating a failure. In this situation, you must view the Process Scheduler to find the problem, fix the issue, and restart the process.

Use the Process As Incurred Billing page (RUN_CA_BI) to run this process to load As-incurred billing information from the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor into PeopleSoft Billing to create bills.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing > Process As Incurred Billing

Note: You must have set up your accounting rules prior to running the Contracts Billing Interface process for As-incurred billing.

Billing Options

Use the fields in this group box to limit the billing data that is included in the run of this process. If you leave all fields blank, the process picks up all available billing activity in the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor.

Field or Control


Bill Thru Date

Used to determine which contract lines the system processes and sends to PeopleSoft Billing. Displays by default the current date. You can accept or override the default value. You can also future-date this field

This date indicates to the system what transactions should be picked up from the transaction table. The billing date is compared with the billing date on CA_TXN_TBL.

See Running the Contracts Billing Interface Process.