Selecting Products to Add to a Contract Line

This section discusses how to select products to add to a contract line and how to review pricing for amount based product kits.

Page Name

Definition Name


Add Contract Lines Page


Search for and select existing products to be added to a contract. From this page you can also create and add ad hoc products to a contract line.

Price Product Kit Page


Review the pricing and components of fixed amount based product kits that you are selecting onto the contract. This page is not used with rate-based product kits.

Use the Add Contract Lines page (CA_OFFERING_SRCH) to search for and select existing products to be added to a contract.

From this page you can also create and add ad hoc products to a contract line.


Customer Contracts, Create and Amend, General Information, Contract - Lines, and click the Add Contract Lines button on the Contract - Lines page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Contract Lines page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Add Contract Lines page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Contract Lines page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Add Contract Lines page (2 of 2)

Search Products

Use the Search Products group box to search for predefined contract products. Optionally, filter the search using this search criteria:

Field or Control


Product Group

Select a product group. Product groups are optional; if they are set up, they provide a logical grouping of products.


Search for products by entering all or part of a product name.

Price Type

Select a price type of Amount, Rate, Percent, or Recurring.

Physical Nature

Select Goods or Services.

Product Kits

Select to search for product kits only.


Select to search for renewable products only.


Click to have the system carry out the search based on the search criteria that you entered, and populate the Products group box with all products meeting the criteria.

Search Results

In the Search Results group box, the system displays the products that meet the search criteria.

To add a product to the contract, select the check box and click Add Contract Lines. When you select multiple products, the system adds each selected product to the contract as a new contract line.

Search Results: General tab

Access the Add Contract Lines page: General tab.

Field or Control


Product Kit

A Y in this column indicates that the product is a product kit. When you select a product kit and click Add Contract Lines, the system transfers you to the Price Product Kit page, where you can define the price for each product within a product kit.

While adding a product kit to a contract, edits are applied to prevent a discrepancy between the default revenue recognition method on the product and the option selected on the contract to separate fixed billing and revenue. The Billing Manages Revenue, revenue recognition method is not applicable on contracts that separate fixed billing and revenue. If the kit has Billing Manages Revenue as the default revenue recognition method and the Separate Fixed Billing and Revenue check box is selected on the contract then the default revenue recognition method is not assigned to the contract line. A similar edit is applied for recurring contract lines since they always have a revenue recognition method of Billing Manages Revenue. If the Separate Fixed Billing and Revenue check box on the contract is selected then products with a price type of Recurring cannot be added to the contract.

*Fee Type

Displays the fee type for contracts with a classification of Government. For contracts with a classification other than Government, the value of None appears in this field.

See Understanding Creating Cost-Plus Government Contract Lines.


A Y in this column indicates that the product is renewable.

Start Date

Enter a start date for the contract line. The value that you enter appears on the Contract - Lines page. The system uses this start date to initiate billing for products with recurring price types. The system also uses this date to begin renewal processing for renewable products.

In addition, if this contract line is associated with a template with a basis date source option of Contract Line Start Date, the system uses this start date when supplying events onto the contract line.

Note: You must enter a value in the Contract Line Start Date field if a template with a basis date source option of Contract Line Start Date is associated with the product that you are adding to the contract.

Note: This field is not available for entry if you selected the Product Kits check box in the Search group box.

End Date

Enter an end date for the contract line. The value that you enter here appears on the Contract – Lines page.

The system displays the latest end date from all contract lines that are defined for the contract on the Contract – General page.

Note: This field is not available for entry if you selected the Product Kits check box in the Search group box. This field is also not available for entry if you selected Recurring in the Price Type field.

Renewal Action

Appears by default if a renewal action was defined for the product. Accept the default value or change it here. Values include Automatic and Manual. This field is available if you selected the Renewable check box in the Search Criteria section of this page.


Displays the quantity for the product. The system populates this field with the minimum order quantity that was defined on the Product Attributes by UOM page. If no minimum order quantity was defined for the product, the value of 1 appears in this field. If you want to specify a different quantity, you can enter a new value here.

UOM (unit of measure)

For product IDs with a price type of Percent, Amount, or Recurring, the unit of measure appears by default for the contract line. If the product has multiple UOMs defined, the system retrieves the first one. If the product does not have a UOM associated with it, then this field remains blank.

You can accept the default UOM or change it here. Once you select a UOM, the system calculates the price and you can no longer change the UOM.

Note: Percent type contract lines cannot be added to a contract if the revenue allocation method on the Revenue Allocation page is set to Auto. You can either change the allocation method to Manual or to use another product.

See Revenue Allocation Page

Search Results: Templates Tab

Access the Add Contract Lines page: Templates tab.

Note: The fields on this page are not available for entry if you selected the Product Kit check box in the Search group box on this page.

Field or Control


Revenue Plan

Add a revenue plan template or override the existing revenue plan template before adding the contract line to the contract.

Billing Plan

Add a billing plan template or override the existing billing plan template before adding the contract line to the contract.

Bill Plan Detail

Add a billing plan detail template or override the existing billing plan detail template before adding the contract line to the contract.

Renewal Plan

Add a renewal plan template or override the existing renewal plan template before adding the contract line to the contract.

Create Plans from Template

Field or Control


Billing Plans

Select to enable the system to create a billing plan when adding the contract line to the contract. Deselect this check box if you do not want the system to create a billing plan when the contract line is added to the contract.

Revenue Plans

Select to enable the system to create a revenue plan when adding the contract line to the contract. Deselect this check box if you do not want the system to create a revenue plan when the contract line is added to the contract.

Renewal Plans

Select to enable the system to create a renewal plan when adding the contract line to the contract. Deselect this check box if you do not want the system to create a renewal plan when the contract line is added to the contract.

Note: No option is available to combine like renewal plans. If you want multiple contract lines that you are about to add to a contract to be assigned to the same renewal plan:

  1. Deselect the Renewal Plans check box in the Create Plans from Template group box.

  2. Add the contract lines that you require.

  3. Save the contract.

  4. Create a new renewal plan with the cycles that you need using the Define Renewal Plan component.

  5. Assign all desired and already-created contract lines to the first cycle in that new renewal plan using the Assign Cycles component.

Combine Like Templates

If you choose to combine like templates and you select a revenue or billing plan template with a basis date source option of Contract Line Start Date for more than one product, only products with the same contract line start date are assigned to the same billing or revenue plan. If the start date is different for different products, the system assigns them to separate billing or revenue plans.

Field or Control


Billing Plans

Select to combine multiple contract lines with the same billing plan template into one billing plan. To keep each contract line and its respective billing plan separate, deselect this check box.

Note: To combine like billing plans, you must have the same billing plan template and billing plan detail template.

Contracts with a classification of Government containing cost-plus contract lines with a fee type other than None cannot share billing plans.

See Defining Billing Plan Detail Templates.

Revenue Plans

Select to combine multiple contract lines with the same revenue plan template into one revenue plan. To keep each contract line and its respective revenue plan separate, deselect this check box.

Note: Contract lines must have the same price type to share revenue plans.

Contracts with a classification of Government containing cost-plus contract lines with a fee type other than None cannot share revenue plans.

Field or Control


Add Contract Lines

Click to add any currently selected products to the contract.

Create Adhoc Product

Click to access the Create Adhoc Product page, where you can create a custom product to use on this contract.

Return to Contract Lines

Click to return to the Contract - Lines page.

Use the Price Product Kit page (CA_PKG_PNL) to review the pricing and components of the fixed amount-based product kits that you are selecting onto the contract.

This page is not used with rate-based product kits.


Select a fixed—amount based product kit template on the Add Contract Lines page and click Add Contract Lines.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Price Product Kit page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Price Product Kit page

Product Kit Price

Field or Control


Billing Price

Displays the billing price for the product kit.

Revenue Price

Displays the revenue price that is defaulted from the Enterprise Pricer or Order Management. This field is editable only if the Separate Fixed Billing and Revenue or the Separate As Incurred Billing and Revenue check box is selected on the Contract — General page else this field will be display only and the price shown will be the Billing Price.

Product Kit Components

Field or Control


Product Component ID

Displays the ID for each product component.

Contract Price % (contract price percent)

Displays any percentages defined for the product.

Each product component is priced as a percentage of the product kit price.


Click to create contract lines for each product kit.