Setting Up Limits

This section discusses how to set up limits.

Page Name

Definition Name


Billing Allocation Page


Enter billing limit amounts for the contract line. You can enter billing limits for rate based lines on contracts with a classification of standard, government and federal reimbursable agreement.

Revenue Allocation Page


Enter revenue limit amounts for the contract line. Use this page to enter revenue limits for rate based lines on contracts with a classification of standard, government and federal reimbursable agreement.

Note: If As Incurred Billing and Revenue are not separated on the contract, then revenue limits are read only and match billing limits.

Note: For limits, Project Costing transactions are identified to a contract line using the contract number and contract line number on the Project Transaction record (PROJ_RESOURCE). The contract number and contract line number on PROJ_RESOURCE must match the contract number and contract line number on the Contract Line record (CA_DETAIL). The project ID and activity ID on the transaction are not used. If a project and activity are moved from one contract/contract line to another contract/contract line after billing has occurred, then billed transactions that predate the move may be included in the processed amount of the original contract number and line number. Transactions processed after the move will be included in the new contract number and line. Caution should be exercised in moving projects activities after transactions have been processed.