Setting Up Milestones

This section discusses how to define milestone classifications, set up generic milestone templates, set up generic milestone condition templates, set up contract milestones and establish contract-specific conditions, and reference milestones.

Page Name

Definition Name


Milestone Classification Page


Define milestone security by creating milestone classifications. A milestone classification is a set of permission lists. When you associate a milestone classification with a generic milestone, the ability to manage that milestone is limited to users who belong to one of the primary permission lists specified for the milestone classification.

Milestone Template Page


Set up generic milestone templates. When you set up a contract, you can add contract-specific data to these generic milestone templates.

Milestone Conditions Template Page


Define the conditions used by the application processor to determine if a milestone is ready for processing. You can establish multiple conditions for a single milestone. Condition types can be either system-triggered events or manual events.

Create Milestones Page


Associate previously defined, generic milestone templates with a contract. Review the milestone conditions that were established for the generic milestone template on which you based the contract-specific milestone. Edit existing conditions and define new contract-specific milestone conditions. Changes do not affect the generic milestone template.

Add Milestones Page


Select a milestone template.

Click the Add Milestone button on the Milestone page.

Billing Plan - Events Page


Link the contract-specific milestones that you defined to the billing plans.

Revenue Plan Page


Link the contract-specific milestones that you defined to the revenue plans.

Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Revenue > Define Revenue Plan

Use the Milestone Classification page (CA_MS_CLASS_PNL) to define milestone security by creating milestone classifications.

A milestone classification is a set of permission lists. When you associate a milestone classification with a generic milestone, the ability to manage that milestone is limited to users who belong to one of the primary permission lists specified for the milestone classification.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > General Options > Setup Contract Milestone Class

See Milestone Classification Page.

Use the Milestone Template page (CA_MS_DEFN_PNL) to set up generic milestone templates.

When you set up a contract, you can add contract-specific data to these generic milestone templates.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > Templates > Milestone Templates > Milestone Template

See Milestone Template Page.

Use the Milestone Conditions Template page (CA_MS_COND_DEFN) to define the conditions used by the application processor to determine if a milestone is ready for processing.

You can establish multiple conditions for a single milestone. Condition types can be either system-triggered events or manual events.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Contracts > Templates > Milestone Templates > Milestone Conditions Template

See Milestone Conditions Template Page.

Use the Create Milestones page (CA_MS_ENTRY) to associate previously defined, generic milestone templates with a contract.

Review the milestone conditions that were established for the generic milestone template on which you based the contract-specific milestone. Edit existing conditions and define new contract-specific milestone conditions. Changes do not affect the generic milestone template.


Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > Create Milestones > Milestones

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Milestones page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Milestones page

If milestones are already associated with the contract, when you access this page, the milestone tree and Milestones group box appear. If milestones are not associated with the contract, these items do not appear on the page. The Milestone page consists of several different functional areas, including:

  • Toolbar buttons.

  • Milestone tree and visual indicators.

  • Milestones group box.

  • Milestone Conditions group box.

Toolbar Buttons

Use these buttons to create, delete, and refresh milestones and milestone conditions:

Field or Control


Add Milestone icon

Click the Add Milestone button to add a milestone template to the contract. The milestone template populates the Milestone page with predetermined values and milestone conditions for the contract. You can change the values, conditions, and the milestone template itself.

Add Condition icon

Click the Add Condition button to add a milestone condition to the selected milestone. You must have an existing milestone to add a milestone condition.

Delete icon

Click the Delete button to delete the selected milestone or milestone condition.

Refresh icon

Click the Refresh button to refresh the Milestone page. If you have changed any milestone templates, refreshing the page updates the names of milestone and milestone conditions in the milestone tree.

Milestone Tree and Visual Indicators

Use the milestone tree to understand the structure of the milestones attached to the contract. In the tree, milestones appear at the highest level. Any attached milestone conditions are indented under each milestone. The Milestones or Milestone Conditions group box that appears on the page corresponds with the selected milestone or milestone condition in the tree.

Field or Control


Pending icon

Appears next to milestone or milestone conditions that are in Pending status.

Ready icon

Appears next to milestone or milestone conditions that are in Ready status.

Completed icon

Appears next to milestone or milestone conditions that are in Completed status.

Cancelled icon

Appears next to milestone or milestone conditions that are in Cancelled status.

Note: An asterisk next to a milestone condition indicates that the milestone condition type is User Initiated. You must manually update the status of User Initiated milestones to Completed.

Milestones Group Box

Use the Milestones group box to change the milestone template, enter milestone completion dates, and so forth:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Milestones page: Milestones group box. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Milestones page: Milestones group box

Field or Control


Milestone Template

Displays the milestone template name. Change the milestone template by clicking the Milestone Definition button.

Milestone Definition icon

Click the Milestone Definition button to select a different milestone template. If you did not specify a type for the contract, the list of values contains all existing milestones. If you specified a contract type, then the list is limited to the milestones specified in CA_MS_DEFN_CT. If a milestone has no contract types, then it is applicable for all types by default.

After selecting a new milestone template, click the Refresh button to update the milestone tree with the new milestone associated milestone conditions.


Accept the default description or enter a contract-specific description. This enables you to easily take a generic milestone description (such as Product Delivery) and make it specific (such as AR Product Delivery).

Note: It is recommended that when you use the same milestone template more than once on a contract, you give each instance of the milestone a unique description. This aids you when you are referencing specific milestones for billing and revenue recognition, where you must pick the milestone from a list.

Milestone Status

Select a milestone status. Values are:

Pending: Milestones are not processed by the Milestone Processing Application Engine.

Ready: Milestones are eligible for processing by the Milestone Processing Application Engine.

Completed: The Milestone Processing Application Engine updates the milestone status to Completed after its conditions are met.

Cancelled: Cancel a milestone by manually setting the milestone status to cancelled.

Estimated Completion Date

Displays the estimated completion date, which is a system-calculated value based on the milestone conditions. The system uses the selection in the # of Reqd Conditions field to determine the estimated completion date. If the selection is Any, then the system chooses the earliest estimated completion date assigned to a milestone condition. If the selection is All, then the system chooses the last estimated completion date assigned to a milestone condition. The system takes into account any value in the Days Lag field.

Completion Date

The Milestone Process Application Engine (CA_MS_PRCS) updates this field with the milestone completion date. This field is display-only.

Note: This field is populated by the Milestone Process when it updates the status of the milestone to complete.

Milestone Conditions Group Box

The fields that appear in this group box depend on the milestone condition type:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Milestones page: Milestone Conditions group box. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Milestones page: Milestone Conditions group box

Field or Control



Condition description of the milestone template. Accept the default description or enter a contract-specific description.


Select a milestone condition type of Date, Milestone, SQL, or User Initiated.

Completion Date

For Date milestone condition types, enter the completion date. The milestone condition is complete when the system date reaches the completion date.

For User Initiated milestone condition types, the completion date is an optional field. The milestone condition is complete when you click the Mark Complete button. If you do not specify a completion date prior to selecting the Mark Complete button, when you select Mark Complete,the system records the completion date as the current date.

Estimated Completion Date

(Optional) Enter an estimated completion date. This date has no effect on milestone processing. The field is available for milestones with User Initiated and SQL milestone condition types.

Mark Complete

Click to manually set the status of a User Initiated milestone condition type to Completed. This field is available only for User Initiated milestone condition types.

Note: When you click the Mark Complete button, the system changes the Milestone Condition Status to Completed and the value in the Completion Date field is set to any date specified by you prior to clicking the Mark Complete button. If you did not specify a completion date prior to selecting the Mark Complete button, the system records the current date.

Milestone Source

Select the milestone source for milestones with a condition type of Milestone. Values include:

Contracts: Milestone condition is associated with a milestone that you defined in PeopleSoft Contracts. When selecting Contracts, you must complete the Prerequisite Milestone and Days Lag fields.

Projects: Milestone condition is associated with a milestone that you defined in PeopleSoft Project Costing. When you select Projects, you must complete the Days Lag, PC Business Unit, Project ID, Activity ID, and Activity Status fields.

Prerequisite Milestone

Displays the milestone template and milestone sequence (milestone number) to which you are linking this condition. The list of values contains all milestones that are attached to this contract.

This field is available for milestones with a Milestone condition type and a milestone source of Contracts.

Note: The milestone number, also known as the sequence number, does not affect the order in which milestones or milestone conditions are processed. It's a unique number assigned by the system to enable you to use the same milestone template more than once on a contract.

SQL Statement

If you selected a milestone condition type of SQL, then you must enter a SQL statement. Enter the SQL statement representing the condition that the system should test. Precede the SQL statement by WHERE, and ensure that it makes sense with the surrounding SQL.

Use the Billing Plan - Events page (CA_BP_EVENTS) to link the contract-specific milestones that you defined to the billing plans.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing > Define Billing Plan > Events


Use the Revenue Plan page (CA_ACCTPLAN) to link the contract-specific milestones that you defined to the revenue plans.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Revenue > Define Revenue Plan

See Billing Plan - Events Page.

See Revenue Plan Page.