Configuring Transaction Types for PeopleSoft Expenses

To configure transaction types, use the Transaction Definition (EX_TRANS_DEFN.GBL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Transaction Definition Page


Map approver types to the stage in approval framework for expense transaction approval routing and notifications.

PeopleSoft Expenses uses transaction definitions to activate or inactivate transactions that are subject to approvals and the types of approvals that are required for each transaction type. In each transaction definition, you can activate or inactivate approver types and configure the approval actions required for each approver in the transaction. Transaction types can be associated with one or more transaction definitions. If a transaction definition is set to an inactive status for a specific transaction type, the workflow engine bypasses any inactive transaction definitions and uses the first active transaction definition associated with the transaction type for approval workflow processing. If all transaction definitions associated with a specific transaction type are set to an inactive status, then all transactions associated with that transaction type are not subject to approval workflow, and are automatically approved during processing.

PeopleSoft Expenses delivers system data for the five transaction types (cash advance, expense report, travel authorization, time report, and time report adjustment) that maps valid approver types to the appropriate stage in approval framework for expense transaction routing and notifications.

There are some constraints enforced by PeopleSoft Expenses to avoid data or accounting integrity problems. PeopleSoft Expenses does not deliver a mapping configuration for project managers to approve cash advances. PeopleSoft Expenses also does not deliver mapping configuration for post payment auditors to approve travel authorizations, time reports, or time adjustments.

For Post payment auditors, you cannot select the Hold, Deny, or Send Back check boxes for cash advances; you cannot select the Hold or Send Back check boxes for expense reports.

Use the Transaction Definition page (EX_TRANS_DEFN) to map approver types to the stage in approval framework for expense transaction approval routing and notifications.


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Expenses > Management > Approval Setup > Map Approval Trans Definition

  • Travel and Expenses > Travel and Exp Admin Center > Manage Approvals > Transaction Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transaction Definition page.

Transaction Definition page

Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter an effective date for the transaction type definition. The system compares the last submitted date of the transactions to the effective-dated transaction definitions to select the appropriate configuration for approval processing.


Select Active or Inactive to turn approvals on or off for all approvers of this transaction type. When all effective dated rows for the transaction definition component for a specific transaction type is set to a status of Inactive, all transactions associated with that transaction type are automatically approved, and the approval routing for the transaction type is bypassed.

Object Owner ID

Select the product that is associated with this transaction.

Approval System Administrator

Select a person to receive notifications for transactions that fail the normal approval routing process.

Routing failure occurs if an approver is not properly defined and there is no other business defaulting rule in place. The Approval System Administrator can use the reassign functionality to route these transactions to the appropriate approvers.

Transaction Unit of Measure

Select whether the transaction type is a monetary amount based transaction, such as travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports or is a hours based transaction, such as time reports and time report adjustments.

Mapping Tab

Page elements on the Mapping tab enable you to map defined approver types to preconfigured approval stages and process definitions in approval framework.

Field or Control


Process ID

Indicates the approval engine stage that is mapped.


Select to enable the transaction type for approval by the approver type. If not selected, the approver type is not authorized to review or approve that transaction type.

Stage Identifier

Indicates the approval framework approval engine stage key identifier.

Approver Type

Indicates the approver type, such as a reviewer, supervisor, and prepayment auditor.

Note: This field applies only to expense reports.

Amount Based

Select to enable the approval process to use amount-based routing rules. Amount-based routing rules does not apply for hours-based transactions such as time reports and time adjustments. It also does not apply to the Supervisor or Project Manager approver types, and PeopleSoft Expenses ignores the check boxes if you select them. If you select for other approver types, an approver list must exist that contains the amount rules by routing ChartField.

Auto Approve

Select to enable automatic approvals for travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports. To automatically approve transactions, you define a monetary amount threshold and a percent variance from travel authorizations in the Auto Approve Threshold group box on the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 2 page.

This check box cannot be changed when the approver category that is related to the approve type is Receipt Verifier

Note: If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control and you enable the option to require budget checking of transactions prior to approval, PeopleSoft Expenses does not automatically approve expense transactions that do not have a valid budget checking status.

Properties Tab

Page elements on the Properties tab enable you to select specific attributes of an approver type for the transaction type. Only the rows that you selected in the Active column on the Mapping tab are available. This section also contains the approval actions—such as Approve, Deny, Send Back, Hold, and Review — that you can enable for an approver for the transaction. These settings control which buttons appear on the transaction approval pages.

Field or Control


Routing Chartfield

Displays the ChartField used for routing approvals for each approver type. PeopleSoft Expenses does not display a routing ChartField for the Supervisor or Project Manager approver types.

Approve Payment

This option is only available for expense report transactions and must be selected to authorize an approver type to approve a transaction for payment or reimbursement. At least one approver type must be authorized to approve for payment.

Note: For every active approver type for expense reports, you must select either Approve Payment, Approve Billing, or both. If you do not select Approve Payment, then you must select Approve Billing.

Approve Billing

This option is only available for expense report transactions and must be selected to authorize an approver type to approve a transaction to be staged to PeopleSoft Project Costing for billing.

Note: For every active approver type for expense reports, you must select either Approve Payment, Approve Billing, or both. If you do not select Approve Billing, then you must select Approve Payment.


Select to authorize an approver type to approve a transaction. If you select Approve, then you cannot select the Review check box.


Select to authorize an approver type to deny a transaction, which permanently terminates it. If you deny a transaction, it cannot be returned to the employee or made available for another approver.

If you are only authorized to approve or deny one or more lines, but not the entire transaction, clicking the Deny button will be treated as denial of your authorized lines but not a full deny of the transaction itself.

Send Back

Select to authorize an approver type to send the transaction back to the originator, typically for correction or revision.

Verify Receipt

Select to authorize expense report receipts. This option is available when the Approver Type is Receipt Verifier (RCPTVERIF).

This check box is only available when the approver category that is related to the approve type is Receipt Verifier. When this check box is available, the Approve and Review check boxes are not available for the row.


Select to authorize an approver type to hold a transaction from further approval processing until the approver releases it by taking a different action, such as Send Back or Approve.


Select to authorize an approver type to acknowledge that a transaction is ready for approval. This approver type is typically a reviewer or screener who reviews expenses reports to ensure that receipts are included or that expenses are in compliance with organizational policies. If you select Review, then you cannot select the Approve check box.

Rerouting Rules Tab

Page elements on the Rerouting Rules tab enables you to reroute transactions after a specified number of days or hours. The system determines the age of the approvals in an approver's queue. If the duration meets the criteria that you establish in the rerouting rules, PeopleSoft Expenses reroutes transactions to the HR supervisor or another approver that you specify. Establish rerouting rules for each transaction type and approver type.

Field or Control


Duration Days and Duration Hours

Enter a number of days or hours after which PeopleSoft Expenses reroutes the transaction. You can enter either days, hours, or both. For example, you may use a duration of one day, or four hours, or one day and four hours. If you do not enter a duration for days or hours, PeopleSoft Expenses will not reroute transactions.

Route to Supervisor

Select to reroute transactions to the HR supervisor. If you do not select the Route to Supervisor check box and you do not enter a user ID in the Route to Other Approver field, PeopleSoft Expenses will not reroute transactions.

Route to Other Approver

Select a user ID using the look up field to whom to reroute transactions. If you do not select a user ID from the look up field, and you do not select the Route to Supervisor check box, PeopleSoft Expenses will not reroute transactions.