Reconciling Airline Tickets

Page Name

Definition Name


Airline Tickets Page


Query and update airline ticket data that was loaded from an external source.

Expenses with Airfare Page


Reconcile airline tickets to expense report IDs.

PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to track unused airline tickets and control travel expenses by reconciling completed airline flight segments with purchased tickets.

Field or Control



Values are:

  • Cancelled: The ticket was voided.

  • Not Reconciled: The ticket is waiting to be reconciled with an expense report.

  • Reconciled: The ticket was reconciled with an associated expense report.

Sort By

Select a criterion to sort by: Employee ID (default), Employee Name, Merchant, Reconciliation Status, Ticket Amount, Ticket Number, or Transaction Date.

Sort Order

Select to sort the airline tickets in ascending or descending order.

Use the Airline Tickets page (EX_AIRLINE_TICKETS) to query and update airline ticket data that was loaded from an external source.


Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > Reconcile Airline Tickets

Use the Expenses with Airfare page (EX_SHEET_TKT_LINES) to reconcile airline tickets to expense report IDs.


Select the Expenses with Airfare tab on the Airline Tickets page.

Note: The Expenses with Airfare page lists airline tickets that are applied to an expense report but are not in the EX_AIRLINE_TKT table that stores airline data from a direct feed. Most likely, these tickets were entered manually into the expense system.

Field or Control


Report ID

Click to access the Create Expense Report page and view the line items of the expense report that is associated with the airline ticket.