Setting Up Payment Types

To set up payment types, use the Payment Type (EX_EXPEND_MTHD.GBL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Payment Type Page


Create payment types that show how an expense item was paid on an expense report.

Use the Payment Type page (EX_EXPEND_MTHD) to create payment types that show how an expense item was paid on an expense report.


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Expenses > Payment Information > Payment Type

  • Travel and Expenses > Travel and Exp Admin Center > Define Expense System > Additional Required Data > Payment Type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payment Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Payment Type page

Reimbursement Recipient

Select a reimbursement recipient from the following options:

Field or Control



Select to generate a payment to the employee.


Select to designate expenses already paid, for example, through your payables system. This credits the prepaid expense account that you designate in your accounting entry template and does not generate a payment.

Prepaid Hotel

Select to designate hotel expenses already paid, for example, through your payables system. This credits the prepaid hotel expense account that you designate in your accounting entry template and does not generate a payment.


Select to generate a payment to the supplier. You must also select a supplier SetID, supplier ID, supplier location, or address to indicate which supplier to reimburse.

Prepaid Airfare

Select to designate airfare expenses already paid, for example, through your payables system. This credits the prepaid airfare expense account that you designate in your accounting entry template and does not generate a payment.

Populate from TA to Exp Report (populate from travel authorization to expense report)

When you select any of the prepaid options as a reimbursement recipient, this option becomes active. If you select this option, the system includes the payment type when populating expense report lines from travel authorizations.