Setting Up Receipt Verification Rules and Lists

To set up receipt verification rules, use the Receipt Verification Rule (EX_RCPT_VER_RULES.GBL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Receipt Verification Rules Page


Create criteria to track receipts.

Verify Receipts for Specific Employees, Business Units, and Departments Pages




Select employees who are required to provide receipts with their expense reports.

If you require employees to substantiate their expenses with receipts, you can create a receipt verification rule and set up your system to track receipts.

Use the Receipt Verification Rules page (EX_RCPT_VER_RULES) to create criteria to track receipts.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Expenses > Payment Information > Receipt Verification Rule

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

Receipt Verification Rules page

Field or Control


Receipts Received Flag

Activates a check box on the expense report when the report is audited. Auditors select this option to indicate that all receipts for the expense report are submitted.

Verify Receipts

Requires that receipts are validated on all expense reports by having employees or someone in your travel and expense department check off transactions as they are matched with employee receipts.

Refine Receipt Verification

Select to require receipt verification for specific circumstances.

When you select this option, the system activates other options in this section. You may require receipt verification to occur when only one or both of the following conditions exist:

Expense Report Amount Flag: The expense report exceeds a specified total. Enter the maximum amount in the space provided and select the appropriate currency. Any expense report that exceeds the specified maximum will require verification of receipts.

Verify Every Report: Enter a number to specify how often to select an expense report to verify receipts.

Employee List, Business Unit, and Department List

Select to build the appropriate receipt verification lists.

Use the Verify Receipts for Specific Employees page (EX_RCPT_VER_EE) to select employees who are required to provide receipts with their expense reports.


Click the Employee List link on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

Use the Verify Receipts for Specific Business Units page (EX_RCPT_VER_BU) to select business units that are required to verify receipts.


Click the Business Unit link on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

Use the Verify Receipts for Specific Departments page (EX_RCPT_VER_DEPTS) to select departments that are required to verify receipts.


Click the Department List link on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

These pages enable you to create lists of individuals or internal organizations required to verify receipts.

Depending on the page you accessed, select an employee ID, business unit, or department to audit.

Note: Receipt verification lists operate independently of the rules that you define for the entire business unit. However, the effective date for the rule also applies to verification lists.