Understanding Travel Authorizations

PeopleSoft Expenses provides a travel authorization system to manage the pre-trip approval of estimated travel costs. If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control, PeopleSoft Expenses supports budget checking of travel authorizations.

From the Travel and Expense Center, you can create, modify, view, cancel, delete, and print travel authorizations. As you prepare a travel authorization request, PeopleSoft Expenses provides the options to create cash advances, modify the default accounting, or change the general information. You can save travel authorizations that have invalid or missing information for more input at a later time, or you can submit them for approval.

PeopleSoft Expenses provides functionality to decrease the time that you spend entering travel authorizations. Using PeopleSoft Expenses, you can:

  • Create travel authorizations that are populated with information from user defaults.

  • Copy expense transaction lines from another travel authorization.

  • Copy multiple expense transaction lines at one time from a travel authorization.