Viewing Cash Advance Accounting Entries

Page Name

Definition Name


Cash Advance Acctg Entries Page (cash advance accounting entries page)


View an employee's cash advance accounting lines.

Use the Cash Advance Acctg Entries page (EX_ACCTG_LN_ADV) to view an employee's cash advance accounting lines.


  • Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Cash Advance Acctg Entries

  • Travel and Expenses > Travel and Exp Admin Center > View Accounting Entries > Cash Advance

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cash Advance Acctg Entries page (partial) . You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cash Advance Acctg Entries page (partial)

Field or Control


Employee Profile

Click the Employee Profile icon to view the Employee Profile - Employee Data page.

Cash Advance Detail

Click the Cash Advance Detail icon to access the View Cash Advance Report page.

View Related Links

Click the View Related Links icon to view additional general ledger journal information about the cash advance.