Generating Metrics

This topic discusses how to generate reporting metrics.

Page Name

Definition Name


Generate Metrics Page


Select options to generate metrics that appear in the pagelets.

Use the Generate Metrics page (IT_METRIC_RUN) to select options to generate metrics that appear in the pagelets.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Pagelets > Asset Lifecycle Management > IT Asset Management > Generate Metrics > Generate Metrics

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate Metrics page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Generate Metrics page


Field or Control


Process Frequency

Select the frequency for the report to run. Values are: Always, Don't and Once.

Generate Metrics

Select the metrics to be generated.

Field or Control


Assets Not Reporting

If you select Assets Not Reporting, the system displays the Assets Not Reporting Metrics group box.

Hardware Inventory

If you select Hardware Inventory, the system displays the Hardware Inventory Metrics group box.

Software Inventory Monitor, Software Pending Requisition, and Software Renewal

If you select any of these metrics, the system displays the Employee Software Metrics group box.

Software Device Monitor

Selecting the Software Device Monitor impacts Software Pending Requisitions and Software Inventory Monitor. The Software Device Monitor calculates the number of licenses associated with devices and needs to update that information in the Software Inventory Monitor as well as Software Pending Requisitions (specifically the Installed column.) The Software Device Monitor is capable of updating the information as it is displayed in Software Device Monitor and Software Pending Requisitions; however, it does not insert new rows into the metric.

If the hierarchy of Software Device Groups is six levels or more, the Software Device Monitor issues a warning with respect to its effect on overall performance. It is recommended that the hierarchy be no greater than five levels. Additionally, a warning is issued about the possibility of double counting when a software device is associated with a software title via two different Software Device Groups. This issue should be corrected immediately by removing the device so that it belongs to only one group for a software title.

Note: There may be software titles that are impacted by the Software Device Monitor that do not already exist in the Software Pending Requisitions or the Software Inventory Monitor. For a completely accurate display of current information, it is recommended that the Software Inventory Monitor as well as the Software Pending Requisition be run whenever the Software Device Monitor runs.

Assets Not Reporting Metrics

Field or Control


Inventory Age

Select an inventory age from the Inventory Age table.

Employee Software Metrics

Field or Control



Select a supplier ID.

Software Title

Select a software title.

Hardware Inventory Metrics

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select a business unit.


Select a department.


Select an employee ID.


Select a location.

Mfg ID

Select a manufacturer ID.


Enter a model.