Understanding Enterprise Service Automation Pagelet Types

Enterprise Service Automation pagelets provide a variety of data derived from Enterprise Service Automation applications. Pagelets are grouped in functional classifications based on the type of information displayed, the purpose and use of the information, and how pagelet values are calculated.

This section lists common elements and discusses:

  • Operational summary pagelets

  • OTAs

  • Transactions in progress (TIP)

Field or Control


Calendar ID

Select a calendar identifier to indicate the types of periods to use for the analysis. For example, a pagelet may give a user the option to view data according to a quarterly calendar or monthly calendar.

My Projects

Select this option to view and analyze only projects listed on the PeopleSoft Project Costing My Projects page for the user.

Number of Prior Periods

Enter the number of prior calendar periods over which an analysis occurs.

Restore Defaults

Click this button to reinstate the administrator default settings for a pagelet or OTA personalization page.

Show Only if Alert

Select this option to indicate that an OTA will appear only if the measurement reaches the threshold at which an alert is triggered.


Select this option to use a particular business unit, and enter the business unit in the provided field. This option is available if you do not want to use the default business unit value that is established as the user preference for your user ID.

Alert Threshold

Enter the tolerance value that triggers an alert, using the unit of measure that appears in parentheses. When a measurement reaches the alert threshold, a red visual indicators appears on the OTA pagelet for the OTA. Based on the OTA, the alert can indicate that the measurement is above or below the alert threshold.

User Preferences

When this option appears in the Business Unit group box, select it to indicate that the business unit will be based on the default business unit value that is established as the user preference for your user ID.

Visual Indicators

Green and red visual indicators provide status information for pagelet data. An indicator that is used for an OTA displays the status of the OTA in relation to the alert threshold defined on the OTA's personalization page.

The system also uses green and red visual indicators to provide priority information:

Within Range Indicator

The green visual indicator appears when the measurement is within a favorable range when compared to the alert threshold defined on the OTA's personalization page.

The system also uses this icon to indicate a low priority.

Red Alert Status icon

The red visual indicator appears when the measurement is within an unfavorable range (alert status) when compared to the alert threshold defined on the OTA's personalization page.

The system also uses this icon to indicate a high priority.

Operational summary pagelets provide users with an overview of summarized data for specific applications. Many of these analytics provide a detailed view of indicators that are specific to the application and its business processes.

The operational summary pagelets delivered in PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Automation Portal Pack are:

  • Most Recent Contracts (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Top Five Contracts (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Contract Milestone Metric (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Contract Product Grouping Metric (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Contract Status Metric (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Total Predicted Expenses (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Top Projects (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Top 5 Issues (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Top 5 Risks (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Change Control Analysis (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Forecast to Complete (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Critical Issues by Project (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • My Program (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Issues by Priority (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Issues by Priority by Project (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Proposal Operational Summary (PeopleSoft Proposal Management)

  • Proposal Resource Demand (PeopleSoft Proposal Management)

  • Proposal Revenue Pipeline (PeopleSoft Proposal Management)

  • Resources Needing Assignments (PeopleSoft Resource Management)

OTAs provide managers with real-time feedback and advance warning about processes that may not be generating expected results. OTAs identify information that is specific to an application and enable real-time monitoring according to tolerance levels that are defined by the user. Although OTAs are enabled by specific modules, the data they provide often span multiple Enterprise Service Automation applications. OTAs appear on the Operational Threshold Alert pagelet, and some OTAs can also appear on the Operational Threshold Chart pagelet.

The OTAs delivered in PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Automation Portal Pack are:

  • Contract Revenue Forecast (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Contract Sales (PeopleSoft Contracts)

  • Total Expense Costs (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Budget to Forecast Time (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Projects Predicted to be Late (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Actual to Forecast Utilization (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Forecast Utilization (PeopleSoft Program Management)

  • Budget to Actual Cost (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Budget to Actual Time (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Gross Margin (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Projects Over Budget (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

TIP pagelets are tools to help managers easily identify work that is currently under way. By monitoring TIP pagelets, executives and managers can gain insight into potential problem areas and take the necessary actions to resolve any issues.

The TIP pagelets delivered in PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Automation Portal Pack are:

  • Expenses Not Submitted (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Expenses Recorded/Not Approved (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Expenses Approved/Not Paid (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Time Reports Not Submitted (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Time Recorded/Not Approved (PeopleSoft Expenses)

  • Unpriced in Progress (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Payables in Progress (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Expenses in Progress (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Inventory in Progress (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Purchasing in Progress (PeopleSoft Project Costing)

  • Expenses Time in Progress (PeopleSoft Project Costing)