Viewing Bank Contacts

This topic discusses how to view and personalize bank contacts, and review financial contact information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Bank Contacts Pagelet


View information for an individual bank contact as defined on the Bank Contacts Personalization page.

Bank Contacts Personalization Page


Define default display information for the Bank Contacts pagelet.

Financial Contacts Page


View and edit information about bank contacts.

Use the Bank Contacts pagelet (TR_PE_BANK_CONTACT) to view information for an individual bank contact as defined on the Bank Contacts Personalization page.


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Bank Contacts.

You can maintain up to five bank contacts for each user ID.

Field or Control



Click a bank name link to access the Financial Contacts page, where you can view and update information. If you edit a bank contact, the system stores the changes to that contact in a table specific to the user ID, and only that user ID can view the contact information.

Note: No information appears for this pagelet until you define default bank contact information on the Bank Contacts Personalization page. Once defined, your personalization settings are stored in the system indefinitely. If you deactivate this pagelet from your Home page, then reactivate it at a later time, you do not need to redefine your personalization settings.

Use the Bank Contacts Personalization page (TR_PE_BNKCPRS) to define default display information for the Bank Contacts pagelet.


Click the Customize icon on the Bank Contacts pagelet.

Select up to five contacts to display on the Bank Contacts pagelet.

Because contacts are tied to bank codes and bank codes are associated with SetIDs, you can only access contacts that are associated with the SetIDs assigned to your user ID.

Use the Financial Contacts page (TR_CONTACT_PNL) to view and edit information about bank contacts.


Click the name of a bank contact on the Bank Contacts pagelet.