Viewing Gross Margins

This topic discusses how to view gross margins, personalize the Gross Margin pagelet, and view ledger details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Gross Margin Pagelet


View a bar graph that shows the five most profitable or five least profitable gross margins.

Gross Margin Personalization Page


Define default display information for the Gross Margin pagelet.

Ledger Inquiry Page


View ledger details for the department represented in the bar graph.

Use the Gross Margin pagelet (GL_PE_04) to view a bar graph that shows the five most profitable or five least profitable gross margins.


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft Home page.

Select Gross Margin.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Gross Margin pagelet.

Gross Margin pagelet

The bar graph scale adjusts to fit both positive and negative data. Hold your cursor over a bar to see the name of the department (or any display ChartField you chose) and the exact gross margin percent.

Use the Gross Margin Personalization page (GL_PE_04_PRS) to define default display information for the Gross Margin pagelet.


Click the Customize icon on the Gross Margin pagelet.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Gross Margin Personalization page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Gross Margin Personalization page

Field or Control



Select whether the pagelet displays the 5 Least Profitable or 5 Most Profitable gross margins.

From and To Period

Select a range of ledger accounting periods for the specified year. If you enter a range with more than five accounting periods, the Gross Margin pagelet displays only the five most profitable or least profitable departments.

Revenue Account Type and Expense Account Type

Select the account types that correspond to revenue and expense.

ChartField, Tree Name, Node, or Level

Use these fields as needed to narrow the display to a PeopleSoft internal ChartField, or to a ChartField and its associated Tree Name, Node, or Level or a combination of these. You can leave a field blank or enter a valid value. If you leave the Tree Name, Node, or Level field blank, the system uses all of the values for that ChartField.

Field Name, Value By, or Field Value

Use these fields to narrow the search to all values for a field name, a specific field value, or a ChartField ValueSet.

User Define Groups

Select to create a new user-defined group.

Groups defined by Tree Nodes or Groups defined by Range of Accounts

If you selected the User Define Groups option, use these group boxes to create either a group defined by a tree node or a group defined by a range of accounts.

Use the Ledger Inquiry page (INQ_DETAIL_LEDGER) to view ledger details for the department represented in the bar graph.


On the pagelet graph, click the bar that represents the department for which you want to view ledger details.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Ledger Inquiry - Ledger Summary page.

Ledger Inquiry - Ledger Summary page