Viewing Lease Revenue

This topic discusses how to view lease revenue and personalize the Lease Revenue pagelet.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lease Revenue Pagelet


View revenues from receivable leases summarized by regions.

Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration Page


Define default information for the Lease Revenue pagelet.

The Lease Revenue pagelet summarizes the revenue from receivable leases that are in the status of Processed in the transaction queue. The revenue includes the recurring and nonrecurring transactions for a lease. The information is summarized by region and the amounts are rounded to the thousands. The system uses the user personalization settings for unit of measure to calculate area and the currency to display the results.

Use the Lease Revenue pagelet (RE_LEASESREV_P) to view revenues from receivable leases summarized by regions.


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft Home page.

Select Lease Revenue.

Field or Control



Displays the region. Click to access the Payment Transaction page. The system passes the current filter values through to the page so that the transaction totals match the amounts that are in the pagelet.

Amount (x1000) (amount in thousands)

Displays the revenue from receivables lease in a region. The amount that the system displays is based on the filters that you select on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Revenue per Rent Sq. ft. (revenue per rentable square foot)

Displays the average rent revenue per unit of measure of rentable area. This is calculated as (Total lease revenue of all receivable leases) ÷ (Rentable area on all receivable leases). The unit of measure is based on the value selected on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page. The system uses the currency from the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Revenue per Total Sq. ft. (revenue per total square feet)

Displays the average revenue per unit of measure of total area. This is calculated as (Total lease revenue of all receivable leases) ÷ (Total area on all receivable leases). The unit of measure is based on the value selected on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Use the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page (RE_LEASEREV_PRS) to define default information for the Lease Revenue pagelet.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Pagelets > Asset Lifecycle Management > Lease Administration > Portal Pack Defaults > Lease Revenue > Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page

Business Unit

Field or Control


User Preferences

Select to have the system display revenue for only those leases with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display revenue for leases from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.


The Administrator sets the maximum number of periods worth of data that will appear.

Field or Control



Enter the calendar that the system uses to calculate the TimeSpan for which data is summarized in the pagelet. The system uses this value in combination with the value in the Prior Periods field to specify the start and end date filters for pagelet data. For example, if you enter Monthly for calendar and 2 for prior periods, the system populates the pagelet data for the previous two months.

Prior Periods

Specify the number of prior accounting periods from current period to be included in the calculation


Field or Control


User Preferences

Select to have the system display the revenue from leases in the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display revenue from leases in a currency other than the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a currency value.


Field or Control


User Preferences

Select to have the system display lease revenue for the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value


Select to have the system display lease revenue from a region other than the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a region value.

Transaction Group

Select to filter by one or more transaction groups.

Unit of Measure

Field or Control


User Preferences

Select to have the system display lease revenue in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display the revenue in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Lease Type

Select to filter by lease types. The values are user-defined and established at implementation.