Viewing Most Recent Contracts

This topic discusses how to view the most recent contracts and personalize the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Page Name

Definition Name


Most Recent Contracts pagelet

CA_PE_RCNT_W (wide), CA_PE_RCNT_N (narrow)

View the most recently signed contracts that meet the filtering criteria specified on the Personalize Most Recent Contracts page.

Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Most Recent Contracts.

Most Recent Contracts


View additional recently signed contracts that meet your filter criteria.

Click the More link on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Contract Summary


View details for a specific contract shown on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Click a contract number displayed on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Personalize Most Recent Contracts


Define default display information for the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

  • Click the Customize icon on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

  • Click the Most Recent Contracts link on the ESA Portal Pack Pagelet Default Administration page.

Use the Most Recent Contracts pagelet (CA_PE_RCNT_W (wide), CA_PE_RCNT_N (narrow)) to view the most recently signed contracts that meet the filtering criteria specified on the Personalize Most Recent Contracts page.


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Most Recent Contracts.

This pagelet displays the five contracts with the most recent sign date. The contract number, signed on date, and contract status display. The contracts display in descending order based on the contract sign date and the filtering criteria set up on the personalization page.

Field or Control


Contract Number

Click this link to access the Contract Summary page for a specific contract. This link is not available if you do not have authorization to access this page.


Click to access the Most Recent Contracts page where you can view all contracts meeting the filtering criteria. This link appears on the page if more than five contracts meet the filtering criteria specified on the personalization page.

Viewing Additional Details

Use the Most Recent Contracts page (CA_PE_RCNT_MORE) to view additional recently signed contracts that meet your filter criteria.


Click the More link on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

This page displays all contracts meeting the filtering criteria set up on the Most Recent Contracts Personalization page. In addition to the contract number, signed on date, and contract status, the contract description, customer, and contract amount display.

Field or Control



Displays the contract amount which equals the revised gross amount minus revised discounts plus non-inclusive prepaids.

Use the Personalize Most Recent Contracts page (CA_PE_RCNT_PRS) to define default display information for the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.


  • Click the Customize icon on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

  • Click the Most Recent Contracts link on the ESA Portal Pack Pagelet Default Administration page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Personalize Most Recent Contracts page.

Personalize Most Recent Contracts page

Depending on your role, you access this page in one of two ways:

  • Administrators access the Personalize Most Recent Contracts page by clicking the Most Recent Contracts link on the ESA Portal Pack Pagelet Default Administration page. The administrator uses this page to set up default filtering criteria for all Enterprise Service Automation pagelets.

  • Other users access this page by clicking the Customize icon on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Business Unit

You can view contracts on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet from your user preference's business unit or select a different business unit.

Field or Control


From User Preference

Select to view only those contracts with the contracts business unit specified in your user preferences.


Select to view contracts from a business unit other than the contracts business unit specified in your user preferences. If you select Specify, you must specify a business unit value.

Region Code

You can view contracts on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet from your region code or select a different region code.

Field or Control


From User Preference

Select to view only those contracts with the region code specified in your user preferences.


Select to view contracts from a region code other than the region code specified in your user preferences. You can specify a new region code or leave this field blank. If you leave this field blank, the system searches all regions when selecting the contracts to display on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Processing Status

You can view contracts with a specific processing status or select multiple statuses.

Field or Control



Select to view contracts with a processing status of Pending.


Select to view contracts with a processing status of Active.


Select to view contracts with a processing status of Closed.

You can optionally filter the contracts that display on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet by specifying values for the following fields:

  • Contract Type

  • Contract Class (contract classification)

  • Legal Entity

  • Contract Status

  • Sold To

Field or Control


My Contracts

Click to indicate that the Most Recent Contracts pagelet should display only those contracts that you have designated as part of your My Contracts list. If you do not have any contracts in your My Contracts list, the system does not display any data on the Most Recent Contracts pagelet.

Restore Defaults

Click to restore the default selection criteria set by the pagelet administrator. This button does not display if you accessed this page through the ESA Portal Pack Pagelet Default Administration page.