Implementing the EBICS Protocol with SEPA Payments

PeopleSoft Financial Gateway supports the use of EBICS to send SEPA files to the bank. This topic discusses using the EBICS protocol.

The EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard) protocol is SEPA compliant and can transmit ISO 20022 standard messages in XML format. The system issues SEPA Credit Transfer payment files.

Important! As of Update Image 39, Oracle PeopleSoft no longer supports any version of EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard) protocol.

Page Name

Definition Name


EBICS Information Page


Initialize and manage user keys and bank public keys.

See also Understanding Using the EBICS Protocol with SEPA Payments.

EBICS Item List Page


Manage the EBICS information item list.

PeopleSoft Financial Gateway supports the use of EBICS to send SEPA files to the bank.

EBICS implementation includes two main areas: key management and initialization, and file transmission.

These EBICS messages (versions H003 and H004) are supported for key management and initialization. They are constructed by the delivered EBICS code and are not predefined messages in Integration Broker:

  1. INI (Initial transmit public key).

  2. PUB (Transmit public key).

  3. HIA (Initial transmit public key).

  4. HCA (Transmit public key).

  5. HPB (Download bank’s public keys).

The following diagram illustrates EBICS in a PeopleSoft system:

Users can initialize and manage their keys and bank public keys through the EBICS Information setup page, and leverage the EBICS protocol for payment file upload through Financial Gateway Payment Dispatch.

A PeopleSoft system using the EBICS protocol

Layout Properties

You must specify EBICS attributes on your bank integration layouts. Navigate to the Bank Integration Layouts page (Banking > Administer Bank Integration > Bank Integration Layouts). Set up the EBICS layout property codes as follows:

  • EBICS_ID – Use the EBICS ID set up in the system.

  • EBICS_ORD_TYPE – Enter string value FUL.

  • EBICS_FORMAT – Use the order type value provided by the bank.

See Setting Up Payment Processing.


PeopleSoft Financial Gateway provides the following functionality for EBICS version 2.4.2:

  • Supports EBICS XML messages, based on these schemas:

    • ebics_keymgmt_request.xsd

    • ebics_keymgmt_response.xsd

    • ebics_orders.xsd

    • ebics_request.xsd

    • ebics_response.xsd

    • ebics_types.xsd

    • xmldsig-core-schema.xsd

  • Supports ZIP compression of order data.

  • Encrypts order data (E002).

  • Provides BASE64 coding of order data.

  • Provides segmentation of order data.

  • Adds an electronic signature for the order data (A005).

  • Identifies and authenticates the signature (X002).

  • Offers key management.

  • Supports EBICS upload transactions.

Integrating Your PeopleSoft System with EBICS

EBICS depends on HTTPS over TLS which must be fully functional on PeopleTools. Your PeopleSoft system administrator and PeopleSoft application developer must do the following to integrate EBICS with your PeopleSoft system:

  1. Establish application server settings where the EBICS gateway will be set up.

  2. Use PeopleSoft Integration Broker’s local gateway as the default gateway or create a new one.

  3. Obtain and import the EBICS certification files from the SSL certification authority (CA), Entrust.

  4. Modify Web server environment and Integration Gateway properties files.

  5. Add Integration Broker node and routing definitions for EBICS under service operation EBICS_SERVICE_OPR.

All transaction messages sent though Integration Broker to the bank are synchronous messages. In order to troubleshoot a transactional issue between the Peoplesoft system and EBICS, you need to turn on logging for the SAMPLE_ROUTING routing definition.

EBICS return codes are defined in the message catalog as shown in this table:

Message Number

Return Code

Short Description

Long Description



EBICS transaction OK

No technical errors occurred during processing of the EBICS request



Segment number not reached

The total number of segments transmitted during transaction initialization was not reached



Authentication signature error

Verification of the authentication signature was not successful



Message not EBICS conformant

The syntax of the received message does not conform with EBICS specifications



Internal EBICS error

An internal error occurred during processing of the EBICS request



Bank key invalid

The public bank key that is available to the subscriber is invalid



The transmitted HostID is unknown

The transmitted HostID is unknown on the bank's side



The bank system does not support the requested order size

Upload or download of an order file of improper size



The partner ID of the search file is not identical to the partner ID of the submitter.

On verifying the submitted signatures a partner ID was found in the document UserSignatureData that is not identical to the subscriber's partner ID in the request header



The algorithm version of the bank-technical keys is not supported by the financial institution

The algorithm version of the bank-technical keys is not supported by the financial institution



The key length of the bank technical key is not supported by the financial institution

Ask the financial institution for information on permitted key lengths, regenerate key



Certificate is not valid because it has expired

Reject of the Request is mandatory if X509 v3 is supported. The user state remains unchanged.



Certificate is not valid because it is not yet in effect

Reject of the Request is mandatory if X509 v3 is supported. The user state remains unchanged.



The key or certificate sent is the same as the signature key/certificate

the key or certificate sent is the same as the signature key/certificate



Bank response message signature verify fail



EBICS Invalid User or User State

Either the initiating party is not known to the bank system or the subscriber state that is stored in the bank of the initiating party is inadmissible with regard to the order type



EBICS Invalid Order Data Format

The transferred order data does not correspond with the specified format



EBICS Key Manager Unsupported Version Encryption

The algorithm version of the encryption key is not supported by the financial institution (order types HIA, HSA, and HCA)



EBICS Key Manager Unsupported Version Authentication

The algorithm version of the authentication key is not supported by the financial institution (order types HIA, HSA, and HCA)



EBICS Key Manager Key Length Error Authentication

The key length of the authentication key is not supported by the financial institution (order types HIA, HSA, HCS, and HCA)



EBICS Key Manager Key Length Error Encryption

The key length of the encryption key is not supported by the financial institution (order types HIA, HSA, HCS, and HCA)



EBICS User Unknown

The initiating party is not known to the bank system



EBICS Invalid User State

The subscriber state of the initiating party that is stored in the bank system is inadmissible with regard to the order type



EBICS Suspected Message Replay

A message replay has been identified (Nonce/Timestamp pair doubled) or the difference of clock time between client and server exceeds the (parametrisable) tolerance limit



EBICS Signature Verification Failed

Verification of the search framework has failed In the case of asynchronously implemented orders, the error can occur during preliminary verification.



EBICS Duplicate Signature

The signatory has already signed the order on hand



XML invalid according to EBICS XML schema

XML validation with EBICS schema failed or XML not well-formed



Message Content Semantically not Compliant to EBICS

The received message complies syntactically EBICS XML schema, but not semantically to the EBICS guidelines, e.g. IZV upload with UZHNN requires NumSegments = 0



EBICS Order Type Invalid

The order type is unknown or not approved for use with EBICS



EBICS Order Type not Supported

The selected order type is optional with EBICS and is not supported by the financial institution



EBICS Authorization Order Type Failed

The subscriber is not entitled to submit orders of the selected order type



The specified order attribute is not compatible with the order in the bank system

For example, order attribute "UZHNN" for an order with order attribute "DZHNN", order attribute "DZHNN" for an order with order attribute "UZHNN" or "OZHNN"



Transaction ID Invalid

The supplied transaction ID is invalid



Transaction Cancelled

The transaction was cancelled at the server’s end since recovery of the transaction is not supported or is no longer possible due to the recovery counter being too high



Synchronisation Necessary

Recovery of the transaction requires synchronisation between the customer system and the bank system



EBICS Recovery not Supported

The bank system does not support Recovery



Segment Number Exceeded

The total segment number from transaction initialization was exceeded, i.e. the attribute @lastSegment was set to false when the last segment was transmitted



Segment Size Exceeded

The specified size of an upload order data segment has been exceeded



EBICS Only X509 Support

With respect to certificates, the bank system only supports the evaluation of X509 data




The chain cannot be verified due to an unknown certificate authority (CA)

Entering Certificates Into the Keystore

When a customer uploads the keystore file to PeopleSoft, three certificates are required. These three certificates must have a corresponding alias name:

  • authentication

  • encryption

  • signature

The PeopleSoft system recognizes the certificates based on their alias names.

The following rules apply:

  1. The three certificates are not interchangeable. They each have a different purpose. For example, the authentication alias must correspond to the authentication certification.

  2. You must use your own password and keystore name when creating the keystore.

This example shows how to create and add the three certificates into keystore:

keytool -genkeypair -keystore ebicskeystore -keyalg rsa -alias authentication -sigalg SHA256withRSA

keytool -genkeypair -keystore ebicskeystore -keyalg rsa -alias encryption -sigalg SHA256withRSA

keytool -genkeypair -keystore ebicskeystore -keyalg rsa -alias signature -sigalg SHA256withRSA

Use the EBICS Information page (EBICS_INFO) to initialize and manage keys and bank public keys.


Banking > Administer Bank Integration > EBICS > EBICS Information > EBICS Information

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EBICS Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

EBICS Information page

Field or Control



Enter an EBICS ID.

Host ID

Enter the Host ID.

Partner ID

Enter the Partner ID.

User ID

Enter the User ID.

Target Node

Select a target node. The lookup prompt shows the target nodes that have the routing attached to service operation EBICS_SERVICE_ORP.

Country Code

Select a country code.

Connect Status

Displays the connection status.


Select H003 or H004 to indicate which EBICS standard version is supported for this EBICS ID.

User Keys

Field or Control


Keystore File

Displays the name of the keystore file in the database.

Upload Key Store

Click this button to upload the key store file attachment. The selected file will be upload to database as a key store file. This process does not check the file type.


Click this button to initialize a key for a new EBICS ID. Available only after the key store file has been successfully uploaded when setting up a new EBICS ID.

Enter the key store password on the Load Key Store page and click the OK button. The process check the Upload Key Store file against the entered password. If the key store file is the correct type, the process checks out the public keys from key store file. Based on the number and type of the public keys, the system then populates the Load CERT List page, which contains these fields:

  • Signature Key Password

  • Authentication Key Password

  • Encrypt Key Password

Select an action check box—Update Signature Key or Update AU and Encrypt Keys. Click the OK button to communicate the password to the bank, and save the successfully initialized keys to database.

If any of the three keys is lost from the key store file, the related field and the Action check boxes are unavailable.

Change Keys

Click this button to change keys for an existing EBICS ID.

Get Bank Keys

Click this button to send the HPB (download bank’s public keys) message to the bank to get bank keys for X002 and E002.

Owned Keys grid

Displays user-owned keys.

Bank Keys

The Bank Keys grid shows the public bank keys, including an alias name, effective date, and active status.

Use the EBICS Item List page (EBICS_ITEM_LIST) to manage the EBICS information item list.


Banking > Administer Bank Integration > EBICS > EBICS Item List > EBICS Item List

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EBICS Item List page.

EBICS Item List page