Combining Steps into a Multicurrency Group

Once you have defined the steps necessary to accomplish your desired revaluation, translation, or Translate Within Ledger process, you define a multicurrency group that specifies the processing sequence for these steps.

To combine steps into a multicurrency group, use the Currency Group component (CURR_GROUP).

Page Name

Definition Name


MultiCurrency Process Group Page


Define a multicurrency group that combines the sequential processing steps.

Use the MultiCurrency Process Group page (CURR_GROUP) to define a multicurrency group that combines the sequential processing steps.


General Ledger > Process Multi-Currency > Define and Process > Define Process Group > MultiCurrency Process Group

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the MultiCurrency Process Group page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

MultiCurrency Process Group page

Field or Control



Determines the order in which the system performs the steps. Because the ledger may be updated with each step, the steps must be performed in the appropriate sequence.

Process Step

Enter the revaluation, translation, or Translate Within Ledger Process step. The system displays the description for the process step. After defining a step, you can select it for the multicurrency group sequence. You can also reuse steps from other multicurrency groups.


Click this link to indicate that even if this step fails, processing should continue to the next step.