Configuring Journal Edit and Post Requests for Autopilot

To configure the journal edit and post requests for Autopilot, use the Edit Journal Request (JOURNAL_EDIT_REQ), and Post Journals Request (JOURNAL_POST_REQ) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Edit Journals Request Page


Specify the process request parameters on the run control page for the journal edit request that is to run in Autopilot.

Post Journals Request Page


Specify the process request parameters on the run control page for the journal post request that is to run in Autopilot.

Use the Edit Journal Request page (JOURNAL_EDIT_REQ) to specify the process request parameters on the run control page for the journal edit request that is to run in Autopilot.


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Edit Journals, Edit Journals Request

Field or Control


Process Frequency

Select Always.

Autopilot Run Control

Select the check box to make the process available to the Autopilot. When this check box is selected the system issues a warning if the process frequency selected is other than Always. The Re-Edit option cannot be selected for an Autopilot Run Control.

Use the Post Journals Request page (JOURNAL_POST_REQ) to specify the process request parameters on the run control page for the journal post request that is to run in Autopilot.


General Ledger, Process Journals, Post Journals, Post Journals Request

Field or Control


Process Frequency

Select Always.

Autopilot Run Control

Select the check box to make the process available to the Autopilot. When this check box is selected the system issues a warning if the process frequency selected is other than Always.