Processing Average Daily Balances

Page Name

Definition Name


ADB Process Request Page


Calculate average daily balances. Identify the business unit, ADB definition, and period type that you want to use in the calculation.

Once you establish the basis for average balance calculations, the Journal Post process (GL_JP Application Engine) invokes the GL_ADB_POST process, which calculates the balances and updates the target ledger.

ADB processing includes the following activities:

  • Journal Post (GL_JP) Application Engine process.

    The Journal Post process invokes the GL_ADB_POST process.

  • Post Daily Balances (GL_ADB_POST).

    The ADB post process (GL_ADB_POST) posts the daily balances to the ADB ledger (the source ledger containing the daily balances).

    The ADB post process also posts ADB adjustments to the ADB tables. (ADB adjustments are daily balances for a period that was posted after the ADB calculation process was run for that period.)

    Note: The system prevents double posting in the event that two ADB post processes (GL_ADB_POST) are running concurrently for the same business unit. The ADB_PROCESS_STATUS field on the ADB ledger table locks the rows that are being posted to the ADB ledger.

  • ADB Calculation (GL_ADB_CALCX).

    The ADB Calculation process calculates average balances using transactions from the ADB ledger and the adjustment holding table and places the results (average balances) in the ADB target ledger.

    The ADB Calculation process creates an ADB log entry. The ADB log is used by the ADB process to determine when the average balances (for a given definition, period type, and requested period) were calculated.

Use the ADB Process Request page (ADB_REQ) to calculate average daily balances. Identify the business unit, ADB definition, and period type that you want to use in the calculation.


General Ledger, Average Daily Balance, ADB Process, ADB Process Request

Field or Control


ADB (average daily balance)

Enter the ADB definition. This field works in combination with the Period Type field to determine which calculation method the system uses.

Request Type

Select one of these request type options:

Calc End of Per(calculate for period end date): Calculate only one period's average daily balance. The average balance is for the period end date.

Calc Each Per (calculate for each period): Generate multiple periods' average daily balances, one for each day of the reporting period.

Period Type

Define the time period for the ADB calculation. This field works In combination with the ADB field to determine which calculation method the system uses.

Select the Period Type option for average balance calculations. Values are:

DTD (date to date): Calculates average balances from the specified begin date to the date specified in the Request Date Option (request date option) field. The begin date appears when you select this option.

MTD (month to date): Calculates average balances from the first day of the month, which is the beginning date of the accounting period in which the run request date falls, to the date specified in the Request Date Option field. To use this option, the detail ledger for the business unit must be tied to a detail calendar that uses monthly periods.

QTD (quarter to date): Calculates average balances from the first day of the quarter, which is the beginning date of the first accounting period in the quarter in which the run request date falls, to the run request date. To use this option, the detail ledger for the business unit must be tied to a detail calendar that uses monthly periods 1 through 12.

Reg Date (regular date): Calculates average balances for a date range that you enter in Begin Date and End Date fields, which appear when you select this option.

Reg Per (regular period): Calculates average balances from the beginning date of the from period to the ending date of the to period for the specified fiscal year. The from period, to period, and fiscal year appear when you select this option.

YTD (year to date): Calculates average balances from the first day of the year, which is the beginning date of accounting period 1, to the run request date specified in the Req Date Option field.

Fiscal Year

If you selected Reg Per (regular period) in the Period Type field, enter the fiscal year for the period here.

From Per (from period)

If you selected Reg Per in the Period Type field, enter the beginning period here.

To Per (to period)

If you selected Reg Per in the Period Type field, enter the ending period here.

Begin Date

If you selected Reg Date in the Period Type field, enter the beginning date for the date range.

If you selected DTD in Period Type field, enter the beginning date for the average balances calculation.

End Date

If you selected Reg Date in the Period Type field, enter the ending date for the date range.

Tree Date Optn (tree date option)

Select the effective date of the tree used to select the ChartFields values to be processed. Values are:

Use EndDt(use period end date): Sets the effective date to the end of the accounting period.

Use OverDt (use override date): Activates a field in which you can enter a date other than the period end.

Use Date Override

If you selected Use OverDt in the Tree Date Option field, enter a date other than the period end date to be used as the effective date for the tree.


Select this option if you want to recalculate average balances using the ad hoc method.


Identify this run of average balance calculations with a short description, such as the date and type of processing.