Requesting and Running the Autopilot Process

To request and run the Autopilot process, use the FMS Process Autopilot Request (FMSAUTOPILOT_REQ), Process Scheduler Request (PRCSRQSTDLG) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process Autopilot Request Page


Set up Autopilot to perform recurring batch processing using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Process Scheduler Request Page


Initiate the Autopilot process to run automatically to edit and post journals that meet your specified criteria.

See Running the Autopilot process

Use the Process Autopilot page (FMSAUTOPILOT_REQ) to configure Autopilot for performing recurring batch processing using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.


Background Process > Process Autopilot > Process Autopilot

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Autopilot page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Autopilot page

Field or Control


Process Type

Select Application Engine for journal edit and COBOL SQL for journal post.

Process Name

Enter the process to run. Journal edit and journal post are available for general ledger.

Active Flag

Select Active to enable the process.

Select Disable to disable an individual process even after Autopilot has started.

Minimum Wait Time

Enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between processing runs.

Maximum Wait Time

Enter the maximum amount of minutes that can elapse between process runs, regardless of whether the Minimum Transaction Count parameter is satisfied.

Minimum Transaction Count

Enter the fewest number of transactions that must be present for processing to occur, unless the Maximum Wait Time parameter is surpassed.

Maximum Transaction Count

Enter the maximum number of transactions that can be processed. If the amount of transactions waiting to be processed exceeds this amount, the process will not run in Autopilot regardless of the other settings.

Use the Process Scheduler Request page (PRCSRQSTDLG) to initiate the Autopilot process to run automatically to edit and post journals that meet your specified criteria.


Select the Run button on the Process Autopilot page.

Field or Control



Select your predefined recurrence.

Note: You can also specify the Recurrence by making it part of the process definition for the FMS Autopilot process (FMSAUTOPILOT). The Autopilot process then submits the application batch processes when the conditions for wait time and transaction count are met.

Note: The user will have both the options from the request page; they can run the Entry Event Process, FS_EVENTGEN or FS_EE_DR.