Setting Up an Open Item Prompt Table

To create an Open Item Prompt Table:

  1. Create a new record using the Application Designer.

  2. Change the record type to SQL View.

  3. Insert OPEN_ITEM_KEY field into the record.

    Make it a key, search key, and list box item.

  4. Insert a DESCR or NAME field to the record.

    Make it an alternate search key and list box item.

  5. Enter the View text:

    select [open item edit field], [description or name field]
    from [open item edit record]
  6. Save the View.

  7. Use Build menu option to create the view.

Access the Account page for the open item account and enter the SQL view name in the Prompt Table field for this account.

PeopleTools documentation: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide