Understanding Federal Government and Statutory Reports

This section discusses:

  • PeopleSoft federal government reporting.

  • PeopleSoft solution for Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) format transition.

  • PeopleSoft statutory reporting.

Federal agencies can produce these reports:

  • FACTS I reports

    • FACTS I Validation Report - GLS8310

      This report is generated when you run the FACTS I Validation process. It describes any outstanding issues for each FACTS I edit that is run for your FACTS I accumulated data.

    • FACTS I Online Trial Balance - GLS8311

      This report displays the status of the general ledger account balances along with the corresponding USSGL account attributes based on each treasury symbol. The data for this report is based on the FACTS I staging tables.

  • FACTS II reports

    • FACTS II Validation Report - GLS8303

      This report is generated when you run the FACTS II Validation process. It describes any outstanding issues for each FACTS II edit that is run for your FACTS II accumulated data.

    • Ledger with Attributes report - GLS7017

      Use this report to verify the ledger activity for a specific business unit, ledger, fiscal year, period range, adjustment period information, and FACTS tree group.

    • FACTS II Online Trial Balance - GLS8312

      This report enables you to view the status of the general ledger account balances along with the corresponding USSGL account attributes for a specific accounting period. The data for this report is based on the FACTS II staging tables.

  • Federal Transaction Register - GLS8501

    This online report displays values at the fund, department, and TAS/TAFS levels for each accounting period. It also displays attributes and attribute values for each ChartField.

  • Federal Trial Balance - GLS8500

    This summary trial balance report displays a beginning balance, the total amount of debits and credits, and an ending balance. The data is generated for the specified ChartField combination for the fiscal year, accounting periods, and adjustment periods.

  • Reconciliation by Source Report - FIN5001

  • Reconciliation by ChartField - FIN5005

  • Fund Balance Reconciliation Report - GLS9500

    Run this report following the Fund Balance Reconciliation process, which compares account activity and trial balance data imported from the U.S. Treasury to a federal agency's cash activity. It contains the differences between the federal agency data and the U.S. Treasury data.

  • SF224 - Statement of Cash Transactions report

    This monthly report sent to the U.S. Treasury identifies the dollar amounts of confirmed U.S. disbursements and collections for an agency by agency location code and fiscal month. This report is used to ensure agreement between the agency's records of disbursement and collections and those of the U.S. Treasury.

  • SF224 - Statement of Cash Transaction Detail report

    This report includes the detail transactions that make up the totals on the SF224 - Statement of Cash Transactions and the Partial 224 report, and may be used internally for reconciliation purposes.

  • Partial 224 report - Statement of Cash Transactions report

    The Partial 224 report is part of a project of the U.S. Treasury to ultimately phase out the SF224 report over the next several years by having agencies report collection and disbursement activity using the Business Event Type Code (BETC). The Partial 224 report functionality accommodates the implementation of the BETC by excluding disbursements and collections activity that includes the BETC code. When an agency reports cash activity by the BETC codes, the agency will report only non-BETC-coded cash activity and cash reclassifications using the Partial 224 report.

    Note: The Partial 224 report will not be available for use until the U.S. Treasury implements BETC. Contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) for its schedule for implementation of the BETC. Until such time as the BETC is implemented by the FMS, continue to produce the SF224 - Statement of Cash Transactions report.

    Note: The U.S. Treasury is requiring federal agencies to begin using new formats for the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) when reporting cash transactions through the FMS 224 Reports and IPAC transactions.

    See PeopleSoft Statutory Reporting.

    See Generate Reconciliation Report Page.

  • SF1219 - Statement of Accountability report

    This report is used to determine the accountability of disbursing officers for funds that are held outside the Department of Treasury (cash on hand) by U.S. Treasury Regional Finance Centers (RFCs) and other nonmilitary agencies that do not do their own disbursing.

  • SF1220 - Statement of Transactions According to Appropriations, Funds, and Receipt Amounts

    This report provides the U.S. Treasury with a monthly statement of payments and collections that are performed by departments and agencies that do their own disbursing.

  • SF132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule Report

    This report defines the apportionment and reapportionment of each appropriation or fund account that is subject to apportionment. The PeopleSoft application provides a template that enables government to design PS/nVision reports that adhere to the guidelines for this report. This report can be prepared and printed for submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

  • SF133 Quarterly Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources

    This report defines whether the budgetary resources are available for obligations, whether the budgetary resources have been obligated and, if obligated, whether the obligated amounts have been spent. The PeopleSoft application provides a template that enables government to design PS/nVision reports that adhere to the guidelines for these reports. This report is available in hard copy.

  • Federal Agency Financial Statements

    Federal agencies must submit the following financial statements to the U.S. Congress and the OMB. The PeopleSoft-designed templates work with PS/nVision and can be modified to create these financial statements based on your agency's requirements.

    • Balance Sheet presents, as of a specific time, the amounts of future economic benefits that are owned or managed by the reporting entity exclusive of items that are subject to stewardship reporting (assets), amounts owed by the entity (liabilities), and amounts that comprise the difference (net position).

    • Statement of Net Cost reports the gross cost that is incurred by the reporting agency less any exchange revenue earned from its activities.

    • Statement of Changes in Net Position reports the changes in net position for the reporting period. Net position is affected by changes in two components, cumulative results of operations and unexpended appropriations.

    • Statement of Budgetary Resources reports how budgetary resources were made available, as well as their status at the end of the period.

    • Statement of Financing reports the relationship between net obligations that are derived from an entity's budgetary accounts and net cost of operations that are derived from an entity's proprietary accounts by identifying and explaining key differences between the two accounts.

    • Statement of Custodial Activity is required for agencies that collect non-exchange revenue for the General Fund of the Treasury, a trust fund, or other recipient activities. The collecting agencies do not recognize as revenue those collections that have been or should be transferred as revenue to others. Rather, they account for sources and disposition of the collections as custodial activity on this statement.

  • FUND_STATUS PeopleSoft/nVision Report

    The U. S. federal government must comply with the Antideficiency Act, which prohibits any federal employee from entering into contracts that exceed the enacted appropriations for the year or purchasing services and merchandise before appropriations are enacted. This report provides funding information for informed management decisions. This nVision template can be modified for your agency's requirements.

    See Configuring the FUND_STATUS PS/nVision Report.

  • Federal Reimbursable Agreements

    Federal agencies and the Department of Defense (DoD) often use reimbursable funding to perform work on behalf of others and then are reimbursed for the work. A reimbursement ID is created based upon an agreement between agencies or an outside organization. This agreement is negotiated before acceptance. Agencies may bill back only the prenegotiated reimbursable amount, which makes it imperative that they can track reimbursable agreements separately from other types of funding, as well as access the current status of the reimbursable amount, billing limit, amount expended against the agreement, and the amounts collected against the agreement.

Note: Navigation paths, descriptions, and examples of most of these reports are in Oracle's PeopleSoft General Ledger Reports A to Z.

Federal Agencies are required to begin using new formats for the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) when reporting cash transactions through the FMS 224 Reports and IPAC transactions. Component TAS elements will provide federal agencies and Treasury the ability to sort, filter, and analyze data based on each independent piece of the component TAS. The Treasury has adopted a phased approach to the transition from 20-character to 28- character componentized TAS and Business Event Type Codes (BETC).

PeopleSoft GL provides a configurable solution to accommodate the valid combinations of TAS and BETC for FMS 224 reports and when entering and reporting IPAC transactions to the Department of Treasury. This configuration also anticipates the handling of valid TAS and BETC combinations to be downloaded in the future from the Treasury SAM website when the U S Treasury is ready to make the information available.

See Generate Reconciliation Report Page.

Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements 34 and 35 require state and local governments and public colleges and universities to submit basic financial statements. The PeopleSoft application provides a template that enables local and state governments and public colleges and universities to design PS/nVision reports that adhere to GASB 34/35 guidelines.