Using PS/nVision for Statutory Reporting

You can fulfill your GASB 34 and 35 statutory reporting requirements using PS/nVision and a PeopleSoft template.

GASB statements 34 and 35 require state and local governments and public colleges and universities to submit basic financial statements. The PeopleSoft application provides a template that enables local and state governments and public colleges and universities to design the following PS/nVision reports that adhere to the GASB 34/35 guidelines:

  • Governmentwide Statements

    A statement of net assets and activities.

  • Government Fund Statements

    A balance sheet and a statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances.

  • Proprietary Fund Statements

    A statement of net assets, a statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, and a statement of cash flows.

  • Fiduciary Fund Statements

    A statement of fiduciary net assets and a statement of changes in fiduciary net assets.

  • Budget Comparison Statements

    The original budget, the final appropriated budgets for the reporting period, and the actual inflows, outflows, and balances that are stated on the government's budgetary basis.