Viewing the Transition Grid and Meeting Audit Requirements

To view the transition grid and to meet audit requirements use the Transition Grid (FR_TRANSITION_GRID) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Transition Grid Page


Use to view the details of individual elements for a business unit.

Use the Transition Grid page (FR_TRANSITION_GRID) to view the details of individual elements for a business unit.


General Ledger > Cash Flow Statement > View Cash Flow by Element

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transition Grid page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Transition Grid page

Field or Control



Displays the business unit to which the element applies.

Element Label

Displays the element name.

Ending Balance

If appropriate, the ending balance for an element displays. Because the ledger balance shows net activity, ending balance is defined as the ledger balance for the period plus the beginning balance that is defined as period zero since all reporting periods are year to date.

Beginning Balance

Display the period zero balance for the element.


Variation is a work field calculated as the ending balance minus the beginning balance. For elements that are Activities the beginning balances are zero and variations equal the ending balances.

In Flow and Out Flow

Usually equals the variation or the difference between beginning and ending balance.

Fx Adjustment (currency adjustment)

If the balances in the ledger or transaction tables are in a base currency different from the reporting currency, then inflow and outflow might be different from ending minus beginning balance. This is because different exchange rates are used to calculate the flow. In these cases, the foreign exchange adjustment (Fx Adjustment) must be calculated. That is to say, the beginning balance plus the inflow or outflow with the Fx Adjustment equals the ending balance.


Displays the reporting currency.

Modified By

Displays the user ID for the user modifying the element.

Datetime modified

Shows the date and time the user made the changes to the element.

Meeting Audit Requirements

Print the transition grid to provide hard copy for audit backup.

Field or Control


Print Transition Grid

Select Download to transfer the information to Microsoft Excel to provide a hard copy for audit purposes.