Copying Protocols and Versions

This topic provides overviews of how to copy a protocol and how to renew an approved protocol, and discusses how to copy a protocol.

Page Name

Definition Name


Copy Protocol Page


Copy a protocol.

Copy Protocol Version Page


Copy a protocol version.

Copy functionality enables you to have information automatically transferred to a new protocol or version, thereby avoiding duplicate manual entry. Choose from two options: 1) copy one protocol with its current version to a new protocol and version or 2) copy one version within a protocol to another version within that same protocol. The following table explains the rules by which you can copy values for protocol and version copying functionality:


Copy Protocol From

Copy Protocol To

Copy Version From

Copy Version To


All versions can be copied. Select the version from the search page.

Next system-generated version ID.

The most current version (highest ID number) is automatically supplied as the copy from version.

Next system-generated version ID.


All can be copied.

Draft only.

Only Approved statuses can be copied.

Draft only.

Phase Type

All can be copied.

New only.

All can be copied.

Any phase type.

Start/End Dates

Copied as is.

Copied as is.

Next CR Date

Copied as is.

If the phase type is CR, the system will not copy the FROM version's CR date, but it will automatically increment to the next CR date.

Submitted on Date

Will not be copied. Blank value initially.

Will not be copied. Blank value initially.


Will be copied as is.

Will be copied as is.


Will not be copied.

Will not be copied.

When a project is extended or you are approved for more funding you may need to renew an approved protocol. You do this by copying the approved protocol to a Renewal type version, making the necessary updates and resubmitting. The protocol undergoes the regular protocol creation and submission process, however it is treated as a renewal.

Use the Copy Protocol page (GM_PCL_CPY) to copy a protocol.


Grants > Protocols > Copy Protocol

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Protocol page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Protocol page


Field or Control


Protocol ID

Displays the protocol ID that is selected on the search page.


Displays the version that is selected on the search page.

Protocol Type

Displays the protocol type of the current open protocol.


Field or Control


Protocol ID

Displays NEXT to indicate the system-generated new ID number.


Displays NEXT to indicate the system-generated new version number.

Protocol Type

Displays the protocol type.

Note: Restrictions apply to copying a protocol version. A protocol is copied to a brand new protocol within the same protocol type. For example, animal to animal and human to human.

Use the Copy Protocol Version page (GM_PCL_VRSN_CPY) to copy a protocol version.


  • Grants > Protocols > Copy Protocol Version

  • Click the Copy Version button on the Maintain Protocol page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Protocol Version page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Protocol Version page


Field or Control


Protocol ID

Displays the protocol ID that is selected on the search page.


Displays the version that is selected on the search page.

Protocol Type

Displays the protocol type.


Field or Control


Protocol ID

Displays the same protocol ID as the one that is selected on the Search page.


Displays NEXT to indicate the system-generated new version number.

Protocol Type

Displays the protocol type.

Phase Type

Select Modified, Renewal, or Continuing Review.