Cleaning Up Proposals

This section discusses how to clean up proposals.

Page Name

Definition Name


Cleanup Proposals Page


Delete expired proposals.

Use the Cleanup Proposals page (EM_PRO_CLEANUP) to delete expired proposals.


eSettlements, Batch Processes, Cleanup Proposals

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cleanup Proposals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cleanup Proposals page

Field or Control


Expired Date

Enter the expired date for the proposals. The system deletes all expired or cancelled proposals with dates after this date.

Proposal Processing

Select the proposals you want to clean up. Select All Expired Proposals to delete all proposals with expired dates after the date entered or Cancelled Only to delete proposals with a cancellation date after the date entered.

Buyer Processing

Select All Buyers to clean up proposals for all buyers or select Specific Buyer to clean up proposals for specific buyers.