Running the eSettlements Notifications Process

This section provides an overview of the eSettlements Notifications process and lists the page used to run the eSettlements Notifications process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process Notifications - Run Control Parameters Page


Define parameters for and run the eSettlements Notifications Application Engine process (EM_NOTIFY_WF).

When buyers log in to the application and access the Buyer Dashboard page, the Invoices to Verify link provides a transfer to the Self-Service Invoice - Review Invoice page where the user can view the invoices awaiting his or her verification. Run the eSettlements Notifications process to generate the email notifications for invoice verifications, as well as to determine which invoices users need to verify.

Note: Upon receiving any email notification and clicking the link it contains, if the system returns an authorization error message you must add the component the user is trying to access to a permission list that is attached to the user's ID. Alternately, you can add another role that already has access to the component to the user's ID.

There is a hierarchy for invoice verification routing:

  1. If an invoice has a value in the Requester field, then that user receives the email notification.

  2. If an invoice does not have a Requester value, the default requester—or role—is the one defined at the agreement or buyer SetID level.

These users or roles receive notification and can perform the invoice verification.

You can run this process for certain buyers by selecting Specify Buyers in the Invoice Processing drop-down list box, or for all buyers by selecting All Buyers.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration