Understanding Line-Level Approval and Dispute

Depending on the structure of your organization and the degree of control over expenditures you require, line-level approval can expedite the payment process and thus enhance your relationships with your suppliers. Since many organizations contend with processing consolidated invoices that encompass purchases made across multiple departments within the organization, line-level approvals enable your approvers to easily manage the invoice lines directly related to their purchases.

You can designate particular users in your organization and enable them to approve and dispute individual invoice lines. A single line can be routed to one or more approvers, depending upon the rules you establish for your buying organization.

Line-level routing occurs in parallel with header approval—if both are enabled—such that one level does not have to complete before the other commences.

Whether lines are routed for approval or not, if at least one non-operational role is assigned to a user, that user can see all the lines and their ChartFields. If the line is not routed for approval, the line approval button does not appear. Just as for operational users, line approval status identifies which users are pending and which users have already approved the line. All lines of a given invoice must be approved before the invoice can be paid.

Those users assigned a buyer accountant role type have override capabilities. They can approve lines and resolve disputes for invoice lines to expedite payments.