PeopleSoft Program Management Reports: Selected Reports

This topic contains detailed information that pertain to these reports:

  • RUN_PGX1044

  • RUN_PGX1046

The Forecast Variance Calculation Application Engine process (PC_FC_CALC) calculates projected variances for labor costs and revenue for projects that are forecasted at the activity level. The process converts all amounts to the project business unit currency and presents the data in two reports, one for labor cost variance (RUN_PGX1044) and one for labor revenue variance (RUN_PGX1046). You can analyze variances by activity and project.

The reports use information from these tables:

  • Forecasted hours are from the Forecast Header record (FC_TIME_HDR) and Forecast Time Detail record (FC_TIME_DTL) for the most recent prior forecast horizon.

  • Cost rates and bill rates are based on the Standard Rate option on the Program Management Options page for the business unit, or the Program Management Defaults page for the project. Rates are derived from the:

    • Rates by Employee record (PC_RATE_EMPL) if standard rates are based on employees.

    • Rates by Job Code record (PC_RATE_JOBC) if standard rates are based on job codes.

    • Rates by Role record (PC_RATE_ROLE) if standard rates are based on project roles.

  • Actual costs are from the Project Summary record (PC_SUMMARY_TBL) for analysis types that belong in the cost analysis group.

  • Budgeted costs are from the Project Summary record for analysis types that belong in the budget analysis group.

  • Revenue amounts are from the Project Summary record for analysis types that belong in the revenue analysis group.

  • All calculated amounts are stored in the Forecast Variance Report temporary table (PC_FORECAST_TAO) that is used to format the reports.