Refreshing the Forecast Cache

To refresh the forecast cache, use the Run Forecast Cache Administration component (RUN_FC_CACHE_AD).

Note: This topic is required. You must complete the Administer Cache process, by either running it manually or scheduling it by using the Process Scheduler, every time the Establish Control process completes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Administer Cache Page


Refresh forecasting cache tables.

Use the Administer Cache page (RUN_CNTL_FC) to refresh forecasting cache tables.


Program Management > Forecasting > Administer Forecasting Cache

The Administer Cache process refreshes cache tables to optimize performance. Cache tables eliminate the amount of logic that the application must perform each time that it needs to identify the resources reporting to a supervisor. The Forecast Supervisor List cache table (FC_SUPR_RVW_LST) stores a list of supervisors and related forecast horizons that have associated employees. The Forecast Supervisor/Employee List cache table (FC_EE_FCST_LST) stores a list of supervisors and their current employees' job information as of the begin date of a specific forecast horizon.

Run the Administer Cache process at least once after every completion of the Establish Control process, and more frequently if supervisor changes occur frequently in the organization.