Understanding Actual Costs, Commitments, and Percent Complete

This topic discusses:

  • Actual costs.

  • Commitments.

  • Percent complete.

Actual Costs

Actual cost data can only be exported from PeopleSoft to Primavera P6.

There are two options to send actual cost data:

  • Actual cost data can be sent as a total summed amount.

  • Actual cost data can be sent by source type, where actual cost data is sent as a total summed amount and it is also broken into transaction identifiers for each activity and at the project level.

This is determined for each business unit in the Level to Export Actual Cost field on the Project Costing Options - Primavera page.


Commitments, commitment reversals, and commitment adjustments (as designated by PeopleSoft Project Costing analysis types) can be sent in to Primavera P6. Commitments are sent at the activity and WBS level, and also as a total at the project level.

You select the commitment analysis group that represents the commitments on the Project Costing Options – Primavera page.

Percent Complete

When importing net new projects, all object types are imported and the system uses the synchronization template for the business unit to determine if percent complete is to be imported with the WBS/Activities.

When importing existing projects:

  • If WBS/Activities is not selected on the run control page, then percent complete is not imported.

  • If WBS/Activities is selected on the run control page, then the system uses the project synchronization template to determine if percent complete is to be imported with the WBS/Activities.

When exporting net-new or existing projects:

  • If WBS/Activities is not selected on the run control page, then percent complete is not exported.

  • If WBS/Activities is selected on the run control page, then the system uses the project synchronization template to determine if percent complete is to be exported with the WBS/Activities.