Understanding Forecast Time Collection, Distribution, and Review

This topic provides overviews of:

  • Forecast time collection.

  • Forecast distribution rules and behavior.

  • Forecast protection and submission.

  • Supervisor and project manager forecast reviews.

This diagram shows forecast accumulation over time for a resource. In this example, the frequency is semimonthly with four horizon periods in the forecast horizon.

When a forecast has four horizon periods in the forecast horizon, and the forecast frequency is semimonthly, then the total remaining effort is equal to the remaining effort plus the hours entered in the current forecast horizon.

Example of forecast accumulation over time for a resource

Forecast Time Collection Pages

Resources use the forecast time collection pages to enter forecasted work hours. The pages initially display the current forecast, but you can also access prior forecasts. The four main time collection pages are:

  • Forecast Time - Summary page.

    On this page you can:

    • Add or modify projects and activities if schedules are not up-to-date or no prepopulation mechanism is available.

    • Add new projects or activities based on the type of security that is implemented.

    • View projects for which you are a team member (if project team security is active in PeopleSoft Project Costing) and view the associated activities (if activity team security is active in PeopleSoft Project Costing).

    • Enter the total number of forecasted project hours that fall within the forecast horizon and the forecasted project hours that you expect to work during the forecast horizon on projects or activities that are in the project charging level.

    • Access the Forecast Activity Distribution page to distribute prepopulated project hours from PeopleSoft Resource Management across activities that are in the project charging level, if forecasting is required at the activity level.

    • Access the Forecast Horizon by Day page to adjust project or personal hours more precisely for specific days within the forecast horizon.

    • Access the Monthly Schedule page if PeopleSoft Resource Management is installed; on that page, resource managers can update their resources' schedules.

    • If you use PeopleSoft Expenses, access the Time Report - Time Report Summary page in PeopleSoft Expenses for resources to enter project and personal time.

    • Access the Status Report Entry component (PC_SR_ENTRY) and Issue Management Issue Detail component (PC_IM_ISSUE) in PeopleSoft Program Management to report project status and manage project issues.

  • Forecast Time - Forecast by Period page.

    This page controls the distribution of hours across periods in the forecast horizon. On this page you can:

    • Enter the forecast for project and personal hours for each horizon period.

    • Access the Forecast Horizon by Day pages to adjust project or personal hours more precisely for specific days within the forecast horizon.

  • Forecast Activity Distribution page.

    Activities that are in the project charging level and are associated with the project appear on this page.

    Use this page when the prepopulation engine loads hours to your forecast at the project level from PeopleSoft Resource Management, but the project requires forecasting at the activity level. You can select the activities that you will work on and indicate how to distribute the project hours across activities. Alternatively, if you already know the specific activity, you can enter the information on the Forecast Time - Summary page or the Forecast Time - Forecast by Period page.

  • Forecast Horizon by Day (project-based work) page and Forecast Horizon by Day (policy time) page.

    Use these pages to adjust the project or personal hours for each day within the forecast horizon and recalculate total forecast hours.

Forecast updates may require the system to distribute hours across multiple days. Forecasting distributes the hours based on some basic configuration assumptions and default rules:

  • When you enter forecast hours on the Forecast Time - Summary page, the application populates the forecast by period and daily detail forecast by spreading the horizon hours evenly over the standard workdays within the entire time horizon for the resource.

    Entering forecast hours into horizon periods on the Forecast Time - Forecast by Period page also results in the population of the daily detail forecast. In this case, however, the hours entered in each period distribute to the days within that period so that the distribution of hours can vary from one period to another.

  • If an odd number of hours must be spread over a resource's standard work days in a week, the extra hour is placed in the resource's last work day of the date range.

    If dividing a number of forecast hours results in the allocation of less than one hour per day to one or more days in a series, the distribution process rounds up to one hour per day and does not distribute evenly over all days. For example, if there are 8.6 hours to spread over 10 days, the system distributes 1.0 hour to each of the first seven days, and 1.6 hours on the eighth day, leaving the ninth and tenth days empty.

    Note: All hours are stored and appear with two decimal places.

  • When distributing project time for a resource's forecast, the application does not double-book the resource on company holidays that are already loaded onto the Personal Time grid.

    Instead, it distributes the hours that are allocated to that period evenly among the remaining days in the calendar week.

  • To enter a specific number of hours on the Forecast Activity Distribution page, the algorithm enters the specified number of hours for each workday, skipping company holidays.

    For example, if personal time for company holidays is encountered for the first 3.25 days of a 10-day distribution of seven hours a day, the distribution is 0 hours for the first through fourth day, and seven hours per day for the fifth through tenth days. To double-book the company holiday time, update those specific days by using the Forecast Horizon by Day pages.

  • The system automatically double-books all days where personal time (other than a company holiday) is on the Personal Time grid.

    The resource or other authorized individual can correct the forecast as required.

Forecasting distributes the hours to the individual activities based on the following assumptions:

  • For distributing hours, the forecast time collection tool needs to determine how many hours per unit of time a resource is normally expected to work.

    Forecast time collection is based on the assumption that you populate the Standard Hours field (STD_HRS) and Standard Work Period field (STD_HRS_FREQUENCY) on the Job record. The system populates these fields automatically when you use PeopleSoft Human Capitol Management (HCM). If you do not use PeopleSoft HCM, in addition to entering the required fields on the Personal Data record (PERSONAL_DATA), General Employment Data record (EMPLOYMENT), and Job record, you must also load the Standard Hours field, the Standard Work Period field, and the Frequency Table record (FREQUENCY_TBL). That data is used to determine standard hours. Forecast time collection and utilization interactive reports require these fields and records to convert each resource's standard hours per unit of time to standard hours per week.

  • If you are using PeopleSoft Resource Management, the distribution of hours takes into account the resource's standard work days that are defined in the resource profile.

  • If you are not using PeopleSoft Resource Management, standard work days are derived from the standard work days that are associated with the resource's GL business unit, and standard hours are derived from the Job record.

  • The Forecast Activity Distribution page displays the activities that are in the project charging level for which you are a team member.

    If activity team security is used, you can see only the activities to which you have security access. If activity team security is not used, all that are in the project charging level activities appear.

    See Project Definitions - Project Costing Definition Page.

A forecast status is either Pending or Submitted. A forecast is first created in Pending status. Any user with permission to add or update a forecast can protect the forecast in this status and continue to make modifications. A protected forecast is not automatically overwritten by the forecast prepopulation process.

When you submit a forecast, the status changes to Submitted. Only the project manager and administrator can approve forecasts and modify forecasts that are in a Submitted status. The supervisor and administrator can unsubmit a forecast and modify it until the next forecast collection period begins.

After the forecast is submitted, it can be reviewed by the resource, project manager, supervisor, or administrator. The project manager can analyze project information to anticipate projected costs and revenues. Supervisors can analyze utilization to anticipate supply and demand of resources versus new business and projects.

Supervisor Review

The Review Forecasted Time (supervisor review) page is used primarily to ensure that resources are complying with the requirement that they update their forecasts each horizon period. On this page, the supervisor can:

  • View forecasts for resources that are direct reports.

  • Unsubmit and modify forecasts until the next forecast collection period begins.

  • Modify forecast status.

  • Trigger an email reminder indicating to each resource that a forecast is due.

The supervisor is the value in the Supervisor ID field (SUPERVISOR_ID) for the resource in the Job record (JOB) in the HCM database.

Project Manager Review and Approval

The Review Forecast by Project (project manager review) page is used to ensure that forecasts are accurate before they are used by PeopleSoft Program Management for cost and revenue analysis. On this page, the manager can:

  • View forecasts by project.

  • View a list of resources who have submitted time toward the project.

  • View billing rates, cost rates, and total project costs.

  • Approve resource forecasts for the project.

A project team is optional. All forecasts in a Pending status are view-only. The project manager cannot edit them until they are submitted by a resource, supervisor, or administrator. After a forecast is submitted, the project manager can edit and approve the forecast.

The project manager is the value in the Project Manager field (PROJECT_MANAGER) for the project in the Project Manager record (PROJECT_MGR) in the Financials database.