Understanding Resource Assignments

Resource assignments can only be imported from Primavera P6 to PeopleSoft. Prior to assigning resources in Primavera P6, you should export the resource master data from PeopleSoft to Primavera P6. It is recommended that you create your resource master data in PeopleSoft and then export this data to Primavera P6. This ensures that PeopleSoft is the source of truth for all master data.

If a role assignment is created in Primavera P6 without specifying a resource name, then that role assignment is imported into PeopleSoft as a generic labor resource during synchronization.

Resource assignments are imported at the level to which they are assigned. For example, if individual resources are assigned, then individual resources are imported. If role assignments are assigned, then role assignments are imported. This allows for a combination of resources and roles within one project.

When importing resource assignments from Primavera P6 to PeopleSoft:

  • All resource assignments (activity team members) are imported regardless of whether the resource is new or existing.

  • The absence of a resource assignment from Primavera P6 indicates that the resource is no longer assigned to the activity.

    Therefore, if an activity team member is created from a Primavera P6 synchronization, and that activity team member is not sent to PeopleSoft in subsequent synchronizations, then the PeopleSoft system assumes that the resource assignment was deleted in Primavera P6 and should be deleted from the PeopleSoft activity team as well. However, the resource remains on the project team in PeopleSoft.

  • The resources are added to the project team and schedule dates are created, or updated, within the project team based on the project start and end dates.

    Resource assignment dates are not recorded for each activity.

When a resource assignment is created in PeopleSoft, Primavera P6 is not updated because resource assignments are not exported from PeopleSoft to Primavera P6. Inbound messages containing resource assignments from Primavera P6 will not contain this resource assignment. In this case, the resource assignment is not deleted from the activity, in PeopleSoft, because the resource was created in PeopleSoft and is used by other PeopleSoft features.

If the WBS is imported at a rolled-up, summary level, then Primavera P6 sends all resource assignments for a particular WBS item with the WBS item ID. This data is rolled up to the WBS level specified on the synchronization template. Some WBS items may have duplicate assignments for the same resources. In this case, PeopleSoft merges the duplicate assignments because PeopleSoft does not allow a resource to be assigned to an activity more than once.

If a duplicate resource exists on an activity that was imported from Primavera P6 to PeopleSoft, then PeopleSoft will merge the resource data that is duplicated.

When resource assignments are imported into PeopleSoft, they are initially imported at the activity team level. However, PeopleSoft requires that every activity team member must be on the project team. Therefore, the Third-party Loader process adds the activity team member to the project team level in PeopleSoft.