Understanding PeopleSoft Proposal Management Security

This section discusses:

  • Multilevel security.

  • Security by department and user ID.

PeopleSoft Proposal Management uses multilevel security. Use the security setup pages in PeopleTools to provide access to the data, functions, and pages that give users the ability to perform their work. To define security for the organization, you must:

  • Define permission lists.

  • Set up user roles.

  • Assign permission lists to roles.

PeopleSoft Proposal Management supports user security, which enables you to limit access to specific PeopleSoft Proposal Management proposals based on the user and department. Therefore, it is possible for a user to have access to a subset of all the proposals that may be stored in the system. This security feature augments the normal PeopleSoft security based on the user class, which defines the menus and components available to a given user ID.

By default, if you have not set up department-level security, users only have access to their own proposals. That is, they can only access a proposal if these conditions are met:

  • Their user ID has an employee ID associated with it.

  • They have used their employee ID to initiate the proposal.

You can associate each user ID to an employee ID (EMPLID) when you create it.

Implementing security within PeopleSoft Proposal Management is optional. If you want to restrict the list of users who can view proposals, select Yes in the Security group box on the Contracts BU Setup page. If you want all proposals under a business unit to be visible to all users, select No. When you enable security, the list of users who can view proposals is limited to those who have been granted security access on the Proposal - Set Up Options page.

Establish PeopleSoft Proposal Management security by setting up a series of associations that limit or provide user access to components. Set up these associations by linking user IDs with a security tree node that represents a department or group of departments. When a user attempts to open a component, the system examines the associations between that user's ID and user class. If you have established appropriate links, the user can open the pages. Additionally, the search records for each component only enable the user to access the records that have departments that are associated with the security tree.

Note: The pages listed in this procedure are fully documented in PeopleTools documentation.

To set up security by Department ID:

  1. Create a new role by selecting PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Roles.

    You can create as many roles as necessary. You will want to create a role for every set of users that needs a different level of security access to the data.

  2. Create user IDs and assign roles to user IDs by selecting PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles.

    Note: Be sure to assign a valid employee ID. This ID will be matched with the proposal or proposal project to determine which proposals can be accessed by this user ID when no department-level access is specified.

  3. Define the PeopleSoft Proposal Management security tree by selecting Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

    Set up the security tree based on an analysis of business processes within the organization. If a department tree already exists and mirrors a department hierarchy that would provide the appropriate coverage for security needs, you may copy that tree.

    Note: The department security tree must be a node-oriented tree. That is, each node on the tree must represent a valid department that exists in the Department table (DEPARTMENT_TBL). When you define the detail tree structure, make sure that the node record equals the Department table and the field equals Department ID (DEPTID).

  4. Assign an object group to a permission list by selecting PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists.

  5. Define operator security by selecting Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Security > Setup Proposal Mgmt Security

    Select the tree SetID, tree name, and the effective date of tree. In the lower section of the page, select the department designation and access code. You can enter as many departments as you need.

  6. Change the search records for PeopleSoft Proposal Management components by selecting PeopleTools > Application Designer > File > Open > Components.

    The search record that is delivered for these proposal components provides department-level security. Currently, the search records that are defined below are delivered with the system. You may replace these security search records if you require a different security scheme.

    This table lists the menu navigations, components, and search records used in PeopleSoft Proposal Management:

    Menu Navigation


    Search Record

    Proposal Management, Proposal and Version, Maintain Proposal



    Proposal Management, Proposal and Version, Maintain Version Estimate



    Proposal Management, Proposal and Version, Maintain Version Est. Detail



    Proposal Management, Proposal and Version, Copy Proposal