Understanding the Copy Functionality in PeopleSoft Proposal Management

In PeopleSoft Proposal Management, you use the Copy Proposal Process component (GM_BUD_PPSL_CPY) to copy proposals, versions, and projects. Use the:

  • Copy Proposal feature to copy versions to use in different proposals.

    When you copy a new proposal from an existing proposal version, the system generates the new proposal, version, and project IDs. The system does not select the Create Resources Team check box when you initiate the Copy Proposal feature.

  • Copy Version feature to copy versions to use in the same proposal.

    When you copy a version, the system generates a new version ID. The system uses the same proposal ID as the proposal version from which you are copying to prevent conflicting data when it generates the proposal into a contract.

  • Copy Project feature to copy projects to use in the same version.

    When you copy a project, the new proposal ID and version ID match the proposal and version from which you are copying. The system generates the new project ID. Like the Copy Proposal and Copy Version pages, you can select activities and copy options on the Copy Project page. The system uses the same proposal ID as the project from which you are copying to prevent conflicting data when it generates the proposal into a contract.