Adjusting Requisitions and Purchase Orders in PeopleSoft Project Costing

Project Costing summarization templates can be used to summarize transaction rows that are imported into the Project Transaction table.

For additional information about summarizing feeder transactions, see Understanding Feeder and Pricing Summarization

Page Name

Definition Name


Purchasing Adjustments Page


Request adjustments to requisitions and purchase orders.

Use the Purchasing Adjustments page (PC_POADJUST) to request adjustments to requisitions and purchase orders.


Project Costing > Cost Collection > Cost Collect Purchasing Adj

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Purchasing Adjustments page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Purchasing Adjustments page

Field or Control



Select an option to process transactions for all projects and activities, or for specific ones.

If you select Business Unit, Business Unit/Project, or Business Unit/Project/Activity, and the From Feed option is not selected on the Installation Options - Project Costing page for the type of transactions that you want to process, the system loads only the rows from the Project Transaction table that are associated with the run control options into a temporary table to process.

However, the system does not use a temporary table to process the selected rows if the From Feed option is selected. The From Feed option enables the Purchasing Adjustment process to begin automatically when you run the Purchasing to Project Costing process, Inventory to Project Costing process, or Payables to Project Costing process. When these processes automatically trigger the Purchasing Adjustment process, it evaluates all purchasing-related rows.

Important! If you restrict the Purchasing Adjustment process to run on a subset of business units, projects, or activities, you will have an outstanding commitment for rows that were not selected in the run control. For example, if a voucher contains Project A and Project B, and you run the Purchasing Adjustment process only on Project A, an outstanding commitment will remain in the Project Transaction table for Project B until you rerun the Purchasing Adjustment process with run control options that include Project B.

Application Options

Select an option to indicate which transactions to create in PeopleSoft Project Costing. Values are:

Purchase Order Adjustments: Creates transactions with an analysis type that is specified in the Purchasing Closure field on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page. The Purchasing Closure field delivered default value is CCA.

Purchase Order Reversals: Creates transactions with an analysis type that is specified in the Purchasing Reversals field on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page. The Purchasing Reversals field delivered default value is CRV.

Requisition Reversals: Creates reversal transactions with an analysis type that is specified in the Requisition Reversals field on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page. The Requisition Reversals field default value is RRV.


Click to run the Purchasing Adjustment process.

On the Installation Options - Project Costing page, you can specify the Purchasing Adjustment process to run automatically when purchase orders or vouchers are integrated into PeopleSoft Project Costing. Select the From Feed option to initiate the Purchasing Adjustment process automatically when running the Purchasing to Project Costing process, the Inventory to Project Costing process, or the Payables to Project Costing process.