Creating Microsoft Projects from PeopleSoft Projects

Page Name

Definition Name


Integrate with Microsoft Project Page


Create or update a project in Microsoft Project from data existing in a PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Program Management project.

Administer Integrators


View the status of integration requests.

Use the Integrate with Microsoft Project page (PC_MSP2_UPDATEPROJ) to create or update a project in Microsoft Project from data existing in a PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Program Management project.


  • Project Costing > Third Party Integration > Microsoft > Third Party Integrate MS Proj > Integrate with Microsoft Project

  • Project Costing > Project Definitions > Define Project General Info. Select Integrate with MSProject from the More drop-down list box on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

  • Program Management > Third Party Integration > Microsoft > Integrate Project > Integrate with Microsoft Project

  • Program Management > Project Definitions > Define Project General Info. Select Integrate with MSProject from the More drop-down list box on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Integrate with Microsoft Project page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Integrate with Microsoft Project page

Field or Control



Click to update information about the progress of the current integration.

Administer Integrators

Click to access the Administer Integrators page to view the integrators that are updating the integration requests and the status of integrations. This button appears only if you have security access to the Administer Integrators page.


Click to access the Microsoft Integration Options page to enter integration criteria for this project.

Attached File

Click a file name link to download a Microsoft Project *.mpp file that is associated with the PeopleSoft project. To modify the attachment version that is stored in the PeopleSoft system:

  1. Modify the file and save the changes.

  2. Click Import from MSProject File to run the Microsoft Project file through the Integrator.

Note: To indicate to other users that you are working on the current version of an mpp file, click the Check Out MSProject File button.

Check In MSProject File and Check Out MSProject File

Click the appropriate button to check in or check out the Microsoft Project *.mpp file that is associated with the project. If a file is checked out, you can edit it and check it back in when you are done, or cancel the checkout. If you edit and check in the file, the changes you have made are saved to the version of the file that is posted. The data changes, however, are not uploaded to the PeopleSoft application tables until you perform the integration process on the file.

Any user with access to this page can check out a file. When a file is checked out, only the user who checked out that version of the file can edit it. The Check Out process is primarily intended to facilitate coordination of efforts and ensure that two people do not accidentally overwrite each other's work.

Export to MSProject File

Click to create a new Microsoft Project *.mpp file that contains the changes that are made in the PeopleSoft system. The affected project attributes are those for which the Export option is selected on the Microsoft Project page for the business unit. Click Options to access the Microsoft Integration Options page and override the business unit options.

Import from MSProject File

Click to update the project in the PeopleSoft system with changes that are made in a Microsoft Project *.mpp file. The affected project attributes are those for which the Import option is selected on the Microsoft Project page for the business unit. Click Options to access the Microsoft Integration Options page and override the business unit options.

Project General

Click to access the Project Definitions - General Information page for the project.

Integration Session Log

Field or Control


Progress and Results

Displays the progress and results of the current or last data integration between the PeopleSoft and Microsoft systems.

Warnings and Errors

Displays messages of errors, if any, that occur during the integration process.

Note: If the integration finishes and adds a new file to the grid, but warnings and error messages appear, you should review the messages and review the project for accuracy. In these circumstances, the majority of the integration is most likely successful, but a value in a particular field may be truncated or not integrated due to unusual data or characters in the Microsoft Project file.