Processing Transactions Using Accounting Rules

Page Name

Definition Name


Process Project Accounting Page


Run the Process Project Accounting process to pull rate-based transactions from Project Costing and create accounting entries.

Use the Process Project Accounting page (RUN_PSA_ACCTGGL) to run the Process Project Accounting process to pull rate-based transactions from Project Costing and create accounting entries. Run control parameters specified in the Contract Options section are compared with the corresponding values on the contract for processing transactions.


Project Costing > Accounting > Process Project Accounting > Process Project Accounting

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Project Accounting page.

Process Project Accounting page

Field or Control


Process Frequency

Select how often you want the process to run.

Contracts Business Unit

Enter a contract business unit to run this process for contracts in a specific business unit. Leave the field blank to run the process for all business units.

Sold To

Enter a sold-to customer for whom to run this process, or leave the field blank to include all sold-to customers that meet the run control criteria.


Enter a contract number on which to run this process, or leave this field blank to include all contracts that meet the run control criteria.

Contract Classification

Select the classification of the contracts that you want to process. Options are:



Federal Reimbursement Agreement: This classification is available if the Federal Reimbursable Agreements option is enabled in the Other Installed Options group box on the Installation Options - Contracts page.

Government: If you select this classification, the Process Project Accounting process triggers the Fee Processing Application Engine process (CA_FEE_PRCS) to process contract lines for the fee type that you select in the Cost Plus Fee Type group box.

Leave the field blank to process all classifications that meet the run control criteria.

See Contract Classifications.

Cost Plus Fee Type

Select the fee type of the contract lines that you want to process. Options are:


Fixed Fee

Award Fee

Incentive Fee

Other Fee

Leave all check boxes deselected to process all fee types.

See Contracts Definition - Fee Definition Page.

Revenue Plan

Enter a revenue recognition plan on which to run this process. Leave the field blank to process all revenue recognition plans.

From Date and Through Date

Enter the range of accounting dates to process. The system selects rows in the Project Transaction table with accounting dates that fall on or within these dates.

Override Accounting Date

Enter an override accounting date to have the system stamp the rows that are sent to the Accounting Line for Contracts and Projects table with this date at the end of the process.


Select a project business unit, project, or activity option to restrict processing to these values.

Project Type and Project Manager

Enter values as required to further define the run control options.

Process Option

Select the type of transactions in the Project Transaction table that you want to process. Options are:

Process All

Process Costs

Process Revenue

Process Milestones

Select for the Process Project Accounting process to initiate the Milestone Processing Application Engine process (CA_MS_PRCS) to process milestones for contracts that meet the run control criteria.

Process Journal Entries

Select to automatically run the Journal Generator and Contracts Billing Interface processes after running the Process Project Accounting process.

The system uses the following information when you process journal entries from the Process Project Accounting run control page:

  • Journal Generator template that you define on the Accounting Rules page.

  • Accounting definition that you define on the Installation Options - Contracts page.

  • Default ledger group that you define on the Ledgers for a Unit - Definition page.

See also, PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler