Retrieving Posted Journals for PeopleSoft Project Costing

Page Name

Definition Name


General Ledger Page


Run the General Ledger to Project Costing process to retrieve posted journal lines from PeopleSoft General Ledger for use in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Use the General Ledger page (PC_GL_TO_PC) to run the General Ledger to Project Costing process to retrieve posted journal lines from PeopleSoft General Ledger for use in PeopleSoft Project Costing.


Project Costing > Cost Collection > Cost Collect General Ledger

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the General Ledger page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

General Ledger page

Run Control Options

The PC Distribution Status field (PC_DISTRIB_STATUS) value is maintained on the journal line. If a journal entry contains multiple project business units, projects, and activities, and you retrieve only a subset of the data, you can retrieve the remaining data for that journal entry at a later date.

Field or Control



Select a run control option to import general ledger journal entries for all transactions or specific transactions. Options are:

  • All: Imports journal entries for all projects.

    You must select this option if any journal entries contain more than one business unit.

  • Business Unit: Imports journal entries for the selected project business unit. Enter a value for Business Unit.

    Do not select this option if any journal entries contain more than one business unit. Instead, select the All option.

  • Business Unit/Project: Imports journal entries for the selected project business unit and project. Enter values for Business Unit and Project.

    Do not select this option if any journal entries contain more than one project. Instead, select the All or Business Unit option.

  • Business Unit/Project/Activity: Imports journal entries for the selected project business unit, project, and activity. Enter values for Business Unit, Project, and Activity.

    Do not select this option if any journal entries contain more than one activity. Instead, select the All, Business Unit, or Business Unit/Project option.

Application Options

Use these fields to further define the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Field or Control


Business Unit Option

Select additional filter criteria for general ledger journal entries. Options are:

  • All: Imports journal entries that belong to all general ledger business units and meet the specified run control and application options.

  • Value: Imports journal entries that belong to a particular general ledger business unit and meet the specified run control and application options.

General Ledger Business Unit

Enter the general ledger business unit for the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing. This field appears if you select Value in the Business Unit Option field.

Journal ID Option

Select the journal IDs of the general ledger journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing. Options are:

  • All: Imports all journal entries that meet the specified run control and application options.

  • Some: Imports the selected range of journal entries that meet the specified run control and application options.

From ID and Through ID

Enter journal ID values to specify the range of journal entries that you want to import. To specify a single journal entry, enter a value in the From ID field, which also populates the Through ID field by default. To import a range of journal entries, override the value in the Through ID field by entering the maximum value in the range.

These fields appear if you select Some in the Journal ID Option field.

Date Type

This field serves two purposes. It:

  • Filters the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing by either the journal entry posted date or accounting date.

  • Populates the Accounting Date field (ACCOUNTING_DT) for imported transaction rows in the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) with the field value of the specified date type in corresponding journal entry rows in the Journal Header Data table.

Note: The system populates the Transaction Date (TRANS_DT) and Currency Effective Date fields (CUR_EFFDT) for imported transaction rows in the Project Transaction table with the Journal Date field value (JOURNAL_DATE) in corresponding journal entry rows in the Journal Header Data table.

Select a date type and enter the date range for the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing. Options are:

  • Posted Date: Imports journal entries that have a posted date within the specified date range.

    Additionally, the system maps the Posted Date field value (POSTED_DATE) of journal entry rows to the Accounting Date field in corresponding imported transaction rows in the Project Transaction table.

  • Journal Date: Imports journal entries that have a journal date within the specified date range.

From Date and Through Date

Enter a date range to specify the journal entries that you want to import by the transaction posted or journal date. To import journal entries for one particular date, enter the date in both the From Date and Through Date fields.