Setting Up Summarization Templates

Summarization Templates are used during the feeder interface process (such as PC_EX_TO_PC), the Pricing process (PC_PRICING), the Variance Pricing process (PC_VAR_PRICE) and for reporting (PC_SUM_PR).

For additional information about Feeder and Pricing Summarization, see Understanding Feeder and Pricing Summarization.

For additional information about Variance Pricing, see Understanding Variance Pricing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Summarization Template Page


Define summarization rules for feeder integration applications, the Pricing process, and the Variance Pricing process.

Use the Summarization Template page (PC_SUM_TEMPLATE) to define summarization rules for feeder integration applications, the Pricing process, the Variance Pricing process, and for reporting


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > General Options > Setup PC Summarization Tmplt

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Summarization Template (1 of 2) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Summarization Template Page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Summarization Template (2 of 2) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Summarization Template Page (2 of 2)

If you have selected the corresponding check box on the Project Costing Integration page, in the Summarization Options group box, then Use this page to create summarization templates. Summarization templates determine the fields and the level of summarization that the system should use when these processes run:

Option selected in the Summarization Options group box




General Ledger


Third Party Loader


Pricing Engine


Variance Pricing


Time and Labor


Payables / Purchasing


Project Reporting Tables


The results of the Variance Pricing process are posted to the PROJ_RESOURCE table, or can be reviewed prior to posting to the PROJ_RESOURCE table.

Field or Control


Product Code

Select a product code that identifies to which the template applies. For example, Expenses, General Ledger, Payables / Purchasing, Pricing Engine, Project Reporting Tables, Third Party Loader, Time and Labor, or Variance Pricing.

Note: Multiple templates can be created for a product code, but only one template (per product code) can be designated as the default template.

Process Order

Enter a number that determines the order in which the template is processed when multiple templates are defined for a product code. The process order does not have to be consecutive and you can leave gaps in the process order. For example, you can enter 10, 20, and 30 as the process order for a product code. Leaving gaps in the process order enables you to insert templates between existing templates at a later time.


Select to indicate that the template is the default template. The default template is applied to all detail rows that do not match any of the existing templates for the product code.

It is not required to have a default template for a product code. If you do not define a default template, then any data that does not match the criteria of an existing template is not summarized. For example, if you have a template for business unit US001 and no default template is defined, then data for business units US002 and US003 is not summarized.

Custom SQL

The Custom SQL option was removed in Update Image 46. Existing templates will continue to function but cannot be adjusted. New templates cannot use the Custom SQL option.

Copy From Project (group box)

Use this group box to populate the Summarization Fields group box from an existing summarization template. When you click the Copy button, existing data in the Summarization Fields group box are deleted and replaced with the data being copied.

Field Name

Add non-required fields to include in the summarization selection process.

When creating a template, the system automatically populates all required field names. Required fields names are display only and cannot be deleted.

For Microsoft SQL and Sybase database platforms, you can only have a maximum of 32 fields, which includes the required and non-required fields.

Date Summarization Level and Rollup Date to Use

Enter a date type that determines how dates are to be rolled up by the summarization process. These fields are only displayed for date fields.

The rollup date that you use can impact effective dating. When setting up a date field, make sure that the effective date of your rate plan or rate set are valid with the roll up date. For example, when creating a pricing summarization template, you select Start of Period in the Rollup Date to Use field. This indicates that the summarized rows are assigned an accounting or transaction date of the start of the period, such as January 1, 2010 (01/01/2010). You should verify that the rate plan or rate set that you are using has an effective date of January 1, 2010, or earlier, for all transactions to be summarized.

If you leave a field off of the summarization template you are indicating that the information in that field is not necessary. Therefore, if a field is left off of the template, the field is populated with these values on the summarized transaction:

  • Blank – if the field is a string field.

  • Zero – if the field is a number field.

  • Null – if the field is a date field.

Because leaving a field off of the summarization template results in a blank, or zero, value in the summarized transaction, you should use caution when deciding to not include the Project Costing ChartFields and General Ledger ChartFields. If you use the Project Costing ChartFields such as source type, category, and subcategory, Oracle's PeopleSoft recommends that these fields be included on summarization templates.

Pricing Summarization Templates

When creating a pricing summarization template, Oracle's PeopleSoft recommends that you include these fields, at a minimum:







If you are using Time and Labor integration and Pricing Summarization, but are not using Time and Labor summarization, then you should include these fields on the Pricing Summarization Template:




Time and Labor Summarization Templates

When creating a Time and Labor summarization template, you must include these fields to reconcile billed estimates with new estimates and actuals. (The first two are required and will generate errors if you leave them off a template but the third field is suggested and will generate a warning to be used if you are doing any type of billing):




Processing Order Templates

A Processing Order Template is a user defined template that enables you to define an order and priority of processing for each transaction, matching specific criterion when processing transactions in the Limits process (CA_LIMITS). Any field used in the Processing Order Template should also be present in the Project Costing Summarization Template so that data corresponding to that particular filed is available from the Project Costing Summarization process.

See Setting Up a Processing Order Template.

Project Reporting Tables

When creating a summarization template for the Project Reporting Tables product code, the system pre-populate these fields: