Setting Up Transaction-Related Information

To set up transaction-related information, use these components:

  • Analysis Types (PROJ_ANALYSIS_TYPE)

  • Analysis Groups (ANALYSIS_GRP_DEFN)

  • Resource Groups (PROJ_RES_GRP_DEFN)

  • Transaction Identifiers (PC_TRANS_IDENTIFY)

Page Name

Definition Name


Analysis Types Page


Create and modify analysis types.

Analysis Groups Page


Create and modify analysis groups.

Analysis Groups - Description Page


Describe the purpose of the analysis group.

Source Groups Page


Create and modify source groups.

Source Groups - Description Page


Describe the source group.

Transaction Identifiers Page


Define transaction identifiers that consist of groups of project ChartField values.

Use the Analysis Types page (PROJ_ANTYPE_DEFN) to create and modify analysis types.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Transaction Options > Setup PC Analysis Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Analysis Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Analysis Types page

Field or Control


Commitment Control Amount Type

Select an amount type that tells Commitment Control how to process transactions. This field is directly related to the type of transaction that is coming into Commitment Control and identifies what type of transaction to process.

This field appears only if the Commitment Control feature is activated.

Source Transaction Type

Displays the source transaction type defined in the Commitment Control feature, which maps Project Costing fields to Commitment Control fields. The two source transaction types are PC_JOURNAL and PC_BUDGET. This field appears if the Commitment Control feature is activated.

See Understanding Source Transaction Type Setup.

Use the Analysis Groups page (PROJ_AN_GRP_MAP) to create and modify analysis groups.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Transaction Options > Setup PC Analysis Groups

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Analysis Groups page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Analysis Groups page

Note: If your organization uses PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface pages to manage projects and you change an analysis group for cost, billing, or revenue on this page, you should run the Refresh Reporting Tables process (PC_SUM_PR) using the Refresh Reporting Tables Page.

Field or Control


Perform Mapping

Select to use the analysis group for mapping analysis types from a template to a new project or activity.

Perform Multiplication

Select to manipulate transaction quantities and amounts. Enter multipliers in the Quantity Multiplier and Amount Multiplier fields.

Analysis Type

Select the analysis types to include in the analysis group.

Analysis Type Map

Select the analysis type to which the analysis type in the first column will be converted in the newly created project or activity. These fields appear only if you select the Perform Mapping option.

Quantity Multiplier and Amount Multiplier

Enter a factor that the system uses to modify incoming quantity and amount values. Enter multipliers of zero to copy quantities and amounts into new projects as zero.

Use the Source Groups page (PROJ_RT_GRP_MAP) to create and modify source groups.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Transaction Options > Setup PC Source Groups

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Source Groups page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Source Groups page

Field or Control


Flexible Rate

Enter a rate by which to multiply the source types in this source group to create a special project view.

Source Types

Select the source types to include in the source group.

Use the Transaction Identifiers page (PC_TRANS_IDENTIFY) to define transaction identifiers that consist of groups of project ChartField values.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Transaction Options > PC Transaction Identifiers

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transaction Identifiers page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Transaction Identifiers page

Enter source type, category, and subcategory rows that are valid combinations of project ChartField values. Use the wildcard value (a percent sign) in a field to indicate that any value for that field is valid in combination with the other field values in that row. Although the system prevents the creation of duplicate rows within a transaction identifier, an identical row can be part of other transaction identifiers.

Transaction identifiers are used when exporting actual costs from PeopleSoft to Primavera P6. For additional information about integrating with Primavera P6 see Understanding PeopleSoft Integration with Primavera P6