Creating Manual Invoice Transactions

This topic provides and overview of manual invoice transactions and discusses how to create manual invoice transactions and override accounting distributions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees Page


Add manual fees, distribute them amongst leases, and create multiple transactions from a single invoice.

Billing Transactions - Maintain Receivable Manual Transaction Page


Update manual fees, distribute them amongst the desired leases and create manual invoice transactions.

Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees Page

Maintain Receivable Manual Transaction - Lease Search by Payor Page


Search for leases by payor and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid on the Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees page.

Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees Page

Manual Fees - Leased Property Search Page


Search for leases by property and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid on the Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees page.

Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees Page

Receivable Manual Fee - Transaction Details Page


Review the manual invoice transaction details for a specific lease.

Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees Page

Receivable Manual Fee Transaction - Action History - Historic Details Page


Review historic details for the transaction.

Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees Page

Accounting Distributions Page


Override the accounting distributions defined at the business unit level.

As a landlord, you may need to pass on costs to tenants or payors that you incur against a property or multiple properties. You may also need to assess a charge against one tenant or payor who holds multiple leases. PeopleSoft Lease Administration enables you manually capture these non-recurring transactions that may occur during the life of a lease, such as charges for unscheduled maintenance, non-recurring administration fees, or penalties for late payments. You can enter a single invoice that you can assign to multiple leases and distribute those amount to multiple tenants or payors. You can allocate the charges by amount or percentage and distribute the charges using these methods:

  • Evenly: The system divides the total amount by the number of selected leases and allocates an equal share of the charges to each lease.

  • By Area: The system adds the total leased area for all of the selected leases and distributes the charges proportionally between the leases based on the area for each lease.

  • Manually: You can assign the charges manually to each lease.

    The total of the distributed amounts must equal the total of the invoice.

After you allocate the individual amounts to each lease, you can send all of the resulting transactions to the transaction queue at one time. The system creates each of the transactions in pending status. You can edit or approve the transactions using the transaction queue. After you approve the transactions, you can run the Interface to AP/Billing process to post the transactions to PeopleSoft Billing.

Transaction Status for Manual Invoices

This diagram illustrates the transaction status process flow for manual transactions.

Manual transaction status process flow

When you create manual transactions, the system sets each transaction to a status of Draft. You can modify, remove, or replace transactions while they are in draft status. After you commit the transactions, the system sets the status to Pending, and sends the transactions to the transaction queue. Use the Billing Transactions page to edit, hold, or approve the transactions.

If you dispute a lease, the system places all of its pending transactions in Hold status. If you cancel a manual fee transaction, the system returns the status of that transaction to Draft.

If you create the manual transactions as a group of transactions. After you commit the group of transactions, each set of lease transactions are processed individually. If the status of a transaction is updated, by either you or the system, only the transaction whose status changed is updated; the other transactions in the group are not affected.

Use the Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees page (RE_MFT_MAIN) to add manual fees, distribute them amongst leases, and create multiple transactions from a single invoice.


  • Lease Administration, Receivables Leases, Create Manual Receivables, Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees

  • Lease Administration, Receivables Leases, Processing Invoices, Billing Transactions

    Click the Create Receivable Manual Fees button.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Transaction page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Billing Transactions - Create Receivable Manual Fees page

When you first create manual fee transactions, the page name is Create Receivable Manual Fees page. After you save an exit the page, to access the information again, you access the Maintain Receivable Manual Transaction page. The pages function similarly. The status of the transactions control what you can edit on the page:

  • If all of the transactions on this page are in Draft status, you can edit the entire page.

  • If one or more of the transactions on this page are in Draft status, you can edit or delete the individual transactions or add new transactions.

  • If all of the transactions on this page are in Pending, Processed, or Error, the page is display-only.

Field or Control


Add Charge

Click to add a new manual fee. The system adds a row to the Charge Details grid.

Accounting Distribution

Click this link to access the Accounting Distribution page and to override business unit defaults for the accounting distributions.

Manual Fee Name

Enter the manual fee name. The available manual fees are based on the active manual fee types.

See Defining Manual Fee Types.


Enter the amount of the manual fee that you want to distribute between leases. You can enter positive or negative amounts, but the amounts that you enter must either be all positive or all negative. If you want to issue a charge and a credit for the same group of transactions, you must enter them on two different worksheets.


Enter the description of the manual fee. This field is only for informational purposes.

Calculate Total

Click to calculate the total amount of manual fees. The system adds the values in the Amount field and populates the Total Charges field with the total amount.

Add Lease By

Field or Control



Click to insert a new empty row into the Transaction Details grid. You can click the Look up Lease Key icon in the Lease Number column to search for a lease.


Click to transfer to the Maintain Receivable Manual Transaction - Lease Search by Payor page on which you can search for leases by payors and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid.


Click to transfer to the Manual Fees - Leased Property Search page on which you can search for leases by properties and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid.


Click to transfer to the Manual Fees - Leased Asset Search page on which you can search for assets and select the assets to add to the Transaction Details grid.


Field or Control



Click to distribute the total charges evenly between the leases in the Transaction Details grid.

By Area

Click to distribute the total charges based on the proportional amount of rentable area by each lease in relation to the total area of all leases in the Transaction Details grid.

Allocate By

Field or Control



Select to use the Amount field to calculate the charges allocated to the lease transactions.


Select to use the Percent field to calculate the charges allocated to lease transactions.

Transaction Details

Field or Control


Lease Number

Enter the lease to which the transaction will be allocated. You can select from leases that are in Active, Holdover, or Expired status.

Details icon Details

Click the Details icon for a lease to access the Receivable Manual Fee - Transaction Details on which you can view a summary of the transaction details for that lease.


Enter the entity whom is responsible to pay the charges. The system uses the tenant as the default. You can override this value.

Transaction Status

Displays the transaction status. The system initially creates each transaction with a status of Draft. After you commit the transactions, the system sets the status to Pending.


Enter the total amount of charges to allocate to this transaction. The sum of all the amounts that you enter must equal the total charges from the Charge Details amounts. You can enter positive or negative amounts, but the amounts that you enter must either be all positive or all negative. If you want to issue a charge and a credit for the same group of transactions, you must enter them on two different worksheets.


Enter the percentage of the charges to allocate to this transaction. The sum of all of the percentages that you enter must equal 100.

Rentable Area

Displays the total rentable area of the lease associated with the transaction.

Revision History

Click to access the Receivable Manual Fee Transaction - Action History - Historic Details page to review the transaction history for a specific lease.

Calculate Transaction Amounts

Click to update the values in the Manual Fee Group Transaction Summary group box.

Manual Fee Group Transaction Summary

Field or Control


Schedule Date

Enter the date on which you want to schedule the transactions for invoicing.

Total Charges

Displays the total amount to be allocated. This field is the same as the Total Charges field near the top of the page.

Total Rentable Area

Displays the total rentable area for the leases associated with these transactions. The systems sums all of the values from the Rentable Area column in the Transaction Details grid.

Total Transaction Amount

Displays the total amount of charges that you have allocated. The systems sums all of the values from the Amount column in the Transaction Details grid. This value must equal the value in the Total Charges field before you can commit the transactions.

Allocated Percentage

Displays the total percentage of charges that you have allocated. The systems sums all of the values from the Percentage column in the Transaction Details grid. This value must equal 100.00 before you can commit the transactions.

Transaction Count

Displays the number of transactions from the Transaction Details grid.

Commit Transactions

Click to process the transactions. The system validates the transactions, sets the transactions statuses to Pending and sends them to the transaction queue. The page becomes display-only.

Use the Accounting Distributions page (RE_MFTCHG_DST_SEC) to override the accounting distributions defined at the business unit level.


Click the Accounting Distributions link on the Refund Security Deposit - Create Receivable Manual Transaction page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Receivable Manual Fees - Accounting Distributions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Receivable Manual Fees - Accounting Distributions page

The fields on this page differ depending upon the distribution selected. When you select a value other than None, the ChartField values become available for edit.

Field or Control


Distribute By

Select either:

  • Percentage: Select this value to change the accounting distribution by percentage for each financial term.

  • Area: Select this value to change the accounting distribution by area for each financial term. The rent will be distributed based on the ratio of the areas.

  • None: Select this option to use the accounting distribution set up at the business unit level.

Add Distribution

This button appears if you select Percentage or Area for the distribute by value.

Click this button to insert a new distribution row.

Delete Distribution

This button appears if you select Percentage or Area for the distribute by value.

Select a row and click this button to delete it from this page.


This option appears if you select Percentageor Area for the distribute by value.

This option is used to delete the distribution rows. Users can select all the distribution rows that they want to delete and click the Delete Distribution button to delete them.


This field appears if you select Percentagefor the distribute by value.

Enter a percentage amount for this distribution line.

Percentage amounts must equal 100% to be valid.


This field appears if you select Areafor the distribute by value.

Enter the area for this distribution line.

All lines must add up to the total rentable area for the lease to be valid.


Used to indicate a valid combination of chartfields. When activating the lease, edit checking will be provided and the option will be selected for each row representing a valid combination of chartfields. A lease cannot be activated until every accounting distribution is marked as valid.