Defining Region Codes

To define regions, use the Region Codes component (REGION_CD).

This topic provides an overview of region codes.

Regions can be physical entities or geographical areas. When a region represents a physical entity, the region code has the same characteristics as a business, that is, address and language. In PeopleSoft Lease Administration, you must associate a region with a lease to enable cost reporting by the various regions with which your organization does business. For example, you may require a report for all leased properties in the Midwest region and in the Northeast region. By assigning a region to your lease, you can capture the data as required.

When creating or updating an existing region, be sure to select the category of Reporting as the default category. After you define the region, you can select the region for your lease and begin capturing the data for your reports.

See Establishing Regions and Region Codes.