Defining User-Defined Fields

To define user-defined fields, use the User Defined Fields components (RE_USER_DEF_FLDS).

This topic provides an overview of user-defined fields and discusses how to define user-defined fields.

Page Name

Definition Name


User Defined Fields Page


Define user-defined fields. Create a new user-defined field to capture additional reporting data as required by your organization.

Because not all businesses have the same reporting needs, PeopleSoft Lease Administration enables you to define additional fields (up to 10) to meet your reporting requirements. When you establish a user-defined field, the field is populated on your Clauses page in the PeopleSoft Lease Administration system, enabling you to enter the information that you want to track.

Note: User-defined fields are used for information or reporting purposes only.

Use the User Defined Fields page (RE_USR_DEF_FLD) to define user-defined fields.

Create a new user-defined field to capture additional reporting data as required by your organization.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Lease Administration > General Definitions > LA User Defined Fields

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User Defined Fields page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

User Defined Fields page

Field or Control


Field Name

Identify the label name that should appear on the Clauses page.


Enter the description for your user-defined field. The description defines how the field is used.